Salva is at school when he hears gunfire. He has to run away from home.
The group from the school left Salva in the barn. He then finds a women to stay with.
The women has to leave Slava. He finds a group of Dinka to walk with.
Salva finds his uncle.
Salva's group reaches the camp.
The camp Salva was in is being closed.
Salva and the group of boys arrive at the Kakuma camp.
Salva moves to the Ifo camp.
Salva finds his father.
After seeing his father, Salva begins his project for getting water to Africa.
Salva is moved to America.
Nya has to walk very far to get water every day.
Nya's family has to go to a camp once a year for water.
Akeer gets sick from the lake water.
Akeer gets healthy. She learns she can't drink pond water.
Nya's family returns to the village.
Salva's group arrives. They talk about water being between two trees.
The area for the well is being cleared.
A drill is brought in for the well. Many people are working on making gravel.
The drill has found water. It is muddy. Preparations start for the school. Drilling continues.
The well is done. The school is being constructed. Salva and Nya meet.