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A Long Walk to Water

By Ryan N
  • Salva is at school when he hears gunfire. He has to run away from home.

  • The group from the school left Salva in the barn. He then finds a women to stay with.

  • The women has to leave Slava. He finds a group of Dinka to walk with.

  • Salva finds his uncle.

  • Salva's group reaches the camp.

  • The camp Salva was in is being closed.

  • Salva and the group of boys arrive at the Kakuma camp.

  • Salva moves to the Ifo camp.

  • Salva finds his father.

  • After seeing his father, Salva begins his project for getting water to Africa.

  • Salva is moved to America.

  • Nya has to walk very far to get water every day.

  • Nya's family has to go to a camp once a year for water.

  • Akeer gets sick from the lake water.

  • Akeer gets healthy. She learns she can't drink pond water.

  • Nya's family returns to the village.

  • Salva's group arrives. They talk about water being between two trees.

  • The area for the well is being cleared.

  • A drill is brought in for the well. Many people are working on making gravel.

  • The drill has found water. It is muddy. Preparations start for the school. Drilling continues.

  • The well is done. The school is being constructed. Salva and Nya meet.