A long walk to water.

By gyy
  • Salva's school get attacked.

    "Go quickly, all of you, the teacher said. his voice low and urgent." (p6)
  • They left Salva.

    Where had everyone gone? Why had. they left without walking him?(p15)
  • Salve found his uncle.

    "Uncle!" he cried out, and ran into the man's arm. (p34)
  • Salva arrived the river and had a good meal.

    He was able to eat the rest of. the. meal. slowly, making each bite. last a long time. (p47)
  • Salve arrived desert.

    Salve arrived desert.
    The first day in the desert felt like the longest. day Salva had ever lived through. (p52)
  • Salva's uncle get shot.

    Salva's uncle get shot.
    As Salva watched, one of the man aimed his. gun at Uncle. (p63)
  • The refugee camp closed.

    They are going to close the camp. Everyone will have to leave. (p73)
  • Salve will lead refugees to Kenya.

    I will get us. safety to Kenya, he thought. No matter how hard is it. (p81)
  • Salva is going to America.

    Salva is going to America.
    Salva was going to New York. He was going to New York. (p89)
  • Salva's father is still alive.

    I am your son. I am Salva.
  • A long walk for Nya to fetch water.

    It would take her half the morning if she didn't stop on the way. (p1)
  • Nya's mother want Nya take her sister to fetch water with her.

    Nya did not say what she was thinking, that Akeer, who was only five years old, was too small and walked so slowly. (p20)
  • Akeer is sick because of the dirty water.

    Nya and her mother had taken Akeer to the special place-a big white tent full of people who were sick or hurt. (p45)
  • Nya's mother is afraid live near the big lake.

    No one from Nya's family had been hurt or killed by Dinka. But she knew other families in the village who had lost loved ones in this way. (p34)
  • The young man who built the well.

    The water was delicious. It wasn't warm or muddy, like the water from the pond. It was cool and clean. (p112)