Bob the builder

A Long Walk To Water

  • Salva is left alone

    Salva is left alone
    While Salva had slept in the barn he realized that the group had left him. He was now only left with this old lady. He had to do chores to keep his new home but then like the group did, she as well left Salva alone.
  • Salva Reunites with Dinka!

    Salva Reunites with Dinka!
    After long walks Salva finally finds familiar dinka patterns!
  • Salva makes a friend!

    Salva makes a friend!
    While Salva does his daily routine of walking he makes a friend named Marial. He spoke in a different accent but he was also Dinka.
  • Salva meets Uncle!

    Salva meets Uncle!
    Salva finally see's a family member and is very happy to know it's his uncle. Sadly his uncle still didn't know about what happened to Salva's family either.
  • Salva's uncle dies and they get robbed

    Salva's uncle dies and they get robbed
    A group of men robbed Salva's group then killed Uncle and ran away. People then treated Salva as if he was useless and was a waste of time for the group.
  • Salva reaches the refugee camp

    Salva reaches the refugee camp
    Salva reaches the refugee camp in Ethiopia after a long time of travelling
  • Salva runs into the Bush

    Salva runs into the Bush
    Salva hears a gunshot and then the teacher starts yelling at everybody to run. All the students and Salva start running into the bush.
  • Salva and Bukusa discover honey with birds!

    Salva and Bukusa discover honey with birds!
    After endless days of walking Salva and his friend finally find a honeycomb and calls the rest of the group to come and enjoy the food as well.
  • Salva separates from the men group

    Salva separates from the men group
    The large group encounters soldiers and the soldiers ask the big group to split into two. The men in one and the elderly, women, and children in the other. The men are forced to go fight with the rebels.
  • The Refugee camp closes

    The Refugee camp closes
    The refugee camp closes and there are soldiers shooting the refugees, forcing them to go away. Salva nearly died, but then has another long journey ahead.
  • Salva reaches the refugee camp in Kenya

    Salva reaches the refugee camp in Kenya
    After a year and a half when running away from the soldiers, Salva and his group made it to the Kenya refugee camp.
  • Salva reached another camp at Ifo

    Salva reached another camp at Ifo
    Salva left the Kenya camp and went to Ifo. The camp was not much different but he met Michael, who had taught him english.
  • Nya makes it to the pond.

    Nya makes it to the pond.
    After a very tiring day she gets water from the pond with the container and she walks back home.
  • Akeer is sick

    Akeer is sick
    Akeer, Nya's sibling, got sick from the dirty water. She got a stomach ache and had to go and get medical help
  • Nya and other children sees men driving up to them on a jeep

    Nya and other children sees men driving up to them on a jeep
    Nya and other children see a jeep driving up to Nya's house. The men talked to Nya's brother and uncle.
  • Nya's village will have a school

    Nya's village will have a school
    Uncle discussed that there will be a school in Nya's village. Nya was excited that she will be learning on how to read and write.
  • The water pump works.

    The water pump works.
    The water pump that was being built is finally working. People in Nya's village were waiting in line for fresh clean water.