A:Long Walk to Water

By BBapee
  • Salva

    Salva is living a normal life until soldiers came to the village and e shot up the village
  • Salva

    Salva had not ate for a day. He is hot. And he found a house/barn. The old lady was a dinka and Salva is too. The lady gave her peanuts and then ate. Then days later she had to go and Salva was lonely again
  • Salva

    Salva found a group of Dinka's and they let Salva join the group. Then later after walking for a long time they found a beehive
  • Salva

    Salva joined a Dinka group and they ate honey. The next day, Salva was walking around the fireside and then he found and made a new friend named Marial. Salva and Marial were hanging out as friends, and they also joined a new group with the Atuot people. Then one day, Salva woke up and then heard a familiar voice, and then she say a family member or friend
  • Salva

    The voice that Salva heard was her Uncle Jewiir. He hadn't seen him for 2 year because he was in the army. He had a gun which made him the leader of the group. Then later, Jewiir got a Antelope for the people so they can eat. After that, the next morning, they were trying to find water but couldn't so they rest. When Salva woke up my his uncle, Salva heard screaming and it was coming from Marial.
  • Salva

    For Salva, he was in shock that his friend Marial most likely had died by a lion. After that the group began to walk. Then came across the Nile river. The Longest river in the world. They started to build boats and after 2 day. They build enough boats so they could cross the Nile River
  • Salva

    A type of conflict Salva had to encounter was the dessert. He was dehydrated etc.
  • Salva

    An Important event that happened during the trip is that they were almost at the camp but Jewiir said that after when they get to the camp Uncle Jewiir would leave to fight the war. And also at the end of the book Jewiir died by Nuer tribe members
  • Salva

    Salva showed perseverance in the book is when after Uncle Jewiir died. Salva started to walk faster
  • Salva

    Salva is in the camp and when he saw a person with a orange scarf he thought it was his mother but was wrong and now is alone
  • Salva Pt2

    Salva heard that all of the camps were shutting down. As a result, Salva's life has not changed because at first he had to run and only had a break for 6 years which made him 17 years old. Now he is running again
  • Salva

    The challenges Salva had to face was crossing the Gilo River and about thousand people had died while they were crossing the Gilo River because of crocodiles. And another challenge they had to face it they to go to Kenya and it took a year and a half to get there
  • Salva

    Salva's life hasn't changed at all he is still at the refugee camp but it is at Kaluma
  • Salva Pt2

    Salva might go to America
  • Salva

    Perseverance is shown in the book. Perseverance is shown when Salva is going to America. This is a challenge because he barely knows english and doesn't know how America is. But he will get use to it
  • Salva

    A conflict Salva had to face is when Salva got an e-mail from his cousin and it was about that his father got a surgery and he is in a hospital. After that Salva wanted to go to Sudan to visit his father but he had to go to a lot of paperwork and it took him months to finish and he finally finished and he got to Sudan and he is at the Hospital right now
  • Nya

    The summary for Nya is that Nya was walking in the middle of no-where in the desert
  • Nya

    Nya was walking around with her foot sore from the thorn in her foot. Then she found a pond, but the water is polluted with dirt mud etc.
  • Nya

    Nya was eating and her mother was nursing Nya's little brother its just a typical day for her. she just always go back to the pond to get water
  • Nya

    Nya was teaching her sister, Akeer how to get water
  • Nya

    Nya and her family went to the lake camp and she has been to the camp even since she was born. But this time Nya and her mother were worried because they had no house to sleep and very little supplies. But worst. They were worried that they could run into Dinka members and could get hurt or killed
  • Nya

    In chapter 7, Nya's sister, Akeer had a disease which made her stomach feel mad. At first it have Akeer cramps, than stomachaches then diarrhea. This made Nya and the others worried because this disease can be dangerous to young and elderly people.
  • Nya

    Two people came to the village with Jeeps. They were talking about water and they maybe bring a clean source of water
  • Nya

    The men are trying to find water resources that are closer to the village
  • Nya

    Nya thinks that the people cant find water because Sudan is dry and rock-hard
  • Nya

    Nya found a cairn and she calls it The Iron Giraffe
  • Nya

    Nya saw the Iron Giraffe aka a Crain and the workers are drilling on the ground and their is a new character which is the boss of the mission
  • Nya

    They finally finished drilling the hole and then water started coming out but the bad thing is that the water is dirty and muddy
  • Nya

    The water came out but it was dirty but it would take a couple days until the water can be clean
  • Nya

    They are going to build something