Focus on...
-getting enough folic acid and controlling portions
-limiting fast and processed foods
-weight bearing exercises to reduce the risk of osteoporosis Tips:
-wear protection from the sun
-avoid excessive drinking and use of drugs Keep regualr check ups, appointments and exams all a part of your routine. In your 20's, you are more likely to be reproducing. Make sure you are practicing safer sex. You may be prone to mental changes too, so keep your mind positive. -
Focus on...
-reducing the amount of sodium in your diet
-getting 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise
-wearing sunscreen to prevent premature aging Tips:
-don't stress too much and balance your life
-moniter your BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
-never drink and drive, and avoid harmful substances In your 30's, the body begins to replace muscle with fat. Make sure to keep building muscle by exercising and getting enough protein. -
Focus on...
-continuing to eat a healthy, balanaced diet
-getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days
-not overworking your body to avoid chronic pain Tips:
-as the stress levels rise, made sure you can balance out your life with things you enjoy
-age spots and wrinkles are common, so keep your skin healthy
-visit an optometrist to see if you need glasses Men and women in their 40's may experience sexual deficiencies. Keep seeing the doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc. regularly. -
Focus on...
-limiting unhealthy fats in your diet
-getting 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise most days
-keep an eye on your weight measurements to reduce risk of diabetes Tips:
-reduce the aging of skin by staying out of the sun or using sunscreen
-challenging your mind can help improve/maintain mental health The risk of heart attack and stroke becomes more likely in your 50's. Talk with a health care professional about aspirin therapy. Women of this age will also likely go through menopause. -
Focus on...
-avoiding high amounts of sugar and eating a wide variety of foods
-getting at least 30 minutes of light exercise most days
-knowing your blood pressure and cholesterol to reduce risk of heart disease Tips:
-get plenty of sleep
-contact a professional if you are experiencing memory loss or confusion
-take steps to reduce falls In your 60's, the risk of disease is higher than before, especially heart disease. Make a blood pressure screening part of your annual heath routine.