Califor gold

A History of the American West

By djh2013
  • Period: to

    History of California

  • Permanent Indian Frontier

    Permanent Indian Frontier
    This gave the native Americans control over the Great Plains forever.
  • Financial problems in Eastern USA

    This meant people went west in serch of cheap land.
  • Californian Gold Rush

    Californian Gold Rush
    Gold was discovered in Caifornia in 1848. This led to 1000s of miners going to California to find gold.
  • First Fort Laramie Treaty

    The Native Americans agreed to stay away from those travelling to Calfironia to find gold. They were paid money.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    This encouraged Americans to settle on the Great Plains. This led to conflict with the Native American Indians.
  • Completion of the Transcontinential Railroad

    This meant it was much quicker to travel from the east of America to California.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    By the 1890s Plains Indians were nearly all living in reservations. This battle marked the end of the Plains Indians fighting back against the US government.