A History of Special Education

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    Ancient Rome - 4th Century BC

    Ancient Rome - 4th Century BC
    The Romans used to place disabled children in the Tiber River
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    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greeks used to place disabled children in clay vessels and abandon them
  • Nov 3, 1529

    Ponce de leon

    Ponce de leon
    Spanish monk teaches deaf children to speak and read
  • John Locke - sensationalism

    John Locke - sensationalism
    John Locke throws around the idea that children are born tabula rosa - a blank tablet rather with innate characteristics imprinted by God, nature or the devil
  • Jean Marc Itard

    Jean Marc Itard
    Tries to teach Victor the wild boy of Aveyron
  • Louis Braille

    Louis Braille
    Creates an alphabet for the blind adapted from a cipher system invented Napolean Bonapart
  • School For the Blind opened in Toronto

    School For the Blind opened in Toronto
    First school for the blind opened in Toronto and one year later in Halifax
  • First Canadian Residential Institution

    First Canadian Residential Institution
    The beginning of Special Education - opening of Residential school for the developmentally disabled in Orillia
  • Chicago World Fair

    Chicago World Fair
    Despite the movement towards understanding children with execeptionalities, they were still used in carnival shows well into the 20th century.
  • Frederick Treves

    Frederick Treves
    Rescused John Merrick - The Elephant Man
  • The Hope Commission

    The Hope Commission
    Recommendation of expansion of special education programs - paving the way for Bill 82
  • Establishment of National Institute on Mental Retardation

    Establishment of National Institute on Mental Retardation
    Think of the use of the word - "retardation" - 1972
  • The Watershed moment - 1980

    The Watershed moment - 1980
    Bill 82 is passed in the Ontario Legislature