Sinclairs "The Jungle"
A novel about the harsh life of immigrants in Chicago and how they lived. The lack of support, hopelessness and unsanitary living and working conditions. It made people take a look at health and safety issues around the world. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
prohibited the making, selling, and transporting of contaminated food or drug. Everything had labels with the ingredients. -
The Harrison Act
limited the amount of opium a registered doctor could give out. A tax was also put on the production and importation of opium. Opium use and addiction was out of control. -
Manufacturing and selling of alcohol was outlawed in the U.S. -
Patent Medicine
Medicine sold by a pharmacist over the counter. Said to be for a number of things or claiming to be a miracle drug. -
Marijuana growth and use goes way back. Used for a number of reasons including medical purposes. Marijuana was outlawed nationally around 1937. -
Drug Rehabilitation Programs
Programs started to help people addicted to illicit drugs. These programs were voluntary and mandatory and provided care with overcoming addiction. By the late 60's and early 70's there were hundreds of treatment centers in the U.S. -
Drug Policies Racial and Ethnic Groups
It was believed that African Americans and Latinos were cracked down on more in the 1980. There were higher arrest and imprisonments amongst the two miniority groups. -
Ronald Reagan
Declared a war on drugs in 1982. Stating illicit drugs were a threat to national security. His wife Nancy spoke with children and young adults about the dangers and just saying no! -
Crack Cocaine
Came into cites such as Los Angels, New York, and Miami. Found in impoverished neighborhoods and primarily used by African Americans. -
The 90's seen an increase in drug use, different kinds of drugs, and the penalty for selling the drug as well.