A History of Calligraphy

  • 600 BCE

    Latin Alphabet

    The Latin Alphabet appeared in Rome
  • 1 CE

    Roman Calligraphy

    Western Calligraphy was developed into Roman imperial capitals carved on stones, Rustic capitals painted on stones, and Roman cursive for everyday use.
  • 101

    Uncial Lettering

    Uncial lettering style developed. Uncial lettering was found more useful for coping the Bible
  • 601

    Celtic Calligraphy

    Celtic calligraphy illuminated manuscripts (7th-9th century)
  • 1001

    Gothic Calligraphy

    Gothic script was developed, which was more compact and easier to fit on a page.
  • Technological Refinement

    Technological refinement replaced Italic Cursiva with later fathered English Roundhand
  • Calligraphy Revived

    Modern revival of calligraphy at the end of the 19th century