The Term "Autism" is Coined.
Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler first uses the term "autistic" to describe a form of schizophrenia. The word comes from the Greek word "autos," meaning "self." -
Redefining of the term "Autism".
Dr. Leo Kanner uses the term to describe the withdrawn behavior of several children he studied. -
Asperger's Syndrome is identified
Scientist Hans Asperger identifies a milder form of autism which later became known as Asperger's Syndrome. -
Refrigerator Mother theory
Autism's cause becomes attributable to a lack of maternal warmth. This becomes a prevaling theory through the 1950's and 60's. Some children are removed from their parents as treatment. -
The DSM classifies Autistic like symptoms under childhood schizophrenia. -
Autism treatments 1
With few viable options, LSD becomes an acceptable treatment for autism. -
Lovaas treatment program
Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas developed a program that consisted of hight structured lessons to be taught in one to one training. -
Bernard Rimland founds Autism Research Institute
Bernard Rimland, a scientist and father of an autistic son, disproves the "Refrigerator Mother" theory by providing evidence that the condition was a result of biological factors. -
Autism and Schizophrenia
Israel Kolvin, researcher, begins to distinguish differences between autism and schizophrenia. -
Education For All Act
This act provided students with disabilities equal access to a public school education. This law served as the blueprint for IDEA. -
The DD Act
The Devlopmentally Disabled Act redefines the definition of "developmentally disabled" to include autism. -
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
This law stated that all local public schools must provide a free education for all disabled children without any cost to parents. -
Autism Treatments 2
Electroshock therapy becomes an accepted treatment for autism. -
For the first time the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists autism as aeparate category from schizophrenia. -
IDEA updated
The Individuals with Disabilities Act is updated and Autism is added as an eligibility category for Special Education. -
For the first time the DSM includes Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Disorder and Pervasive Devlopmental Disorder (not otherwise specified). -
MMR vaccine
Andrew Wakefield publishes a paper linking the MMR vaccine to the onset of autism. This theory was discredited by other scientists but many parents still believe in it today. -
All sub-categories of autism are eliminated. Individuals are now determined to be on the autism spectrum. -
Autism on the rise?
It is estimated that one out of 68 children is on the autism spectrum. This large increase over previous years is believed to be due to better detection and increased public awareness.