Roe v. Wade Decided
US Supreme Court makes landmark decision to allow abortion until viability- which they define as a fetus being potentially able to live outside of the mother's womb. -
Abortionist Charged with Manslaughter
Kenneth C. Edelin, a doctor who performed abortions, was accused to be guilty of manslaughter for the death of an unborn fetus. However, the Massachusetts Superior Judicial Court overturned this ruling almost two years later. -
Giant Pro Choice Rally in DC
Pro Choice supporters rally to Washington DC to show their opinions. It is reported that around 300,000 attended this rally. -
Clinton erases pro life laws
President Clinton releases five executive orders that counter earlier pro life laws. This marks great gains for believers in pro choice. -
Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act Approved
U.S. Senate approves the Partial-Birth Abortion Act, which prohibits the late term 'partial-birth' type of abortion. The U.S. House had previously approved the act on November 1st of the same year. -
Partial Birth Abortion Ban Succeeds
The ban, which was vetoed previously by President Clinton in 1996, succeeds, and is the first bill to ban a certain type of abortion since Roe v. Wade. -
Judge Blocks Harsh Texas Abortion Law
A federal judge blocks Texas' harsh abortion law, saying that it violates rights, abortion clinics, and doesn't have women's best interests in mind. Time Article