The History of a Reader

  • My First Book

    My First Book
    This was the first book I ever remembered reading. My oldest sister read it to me when I was 4 years old. This is important because it started the journey to a new world for me.
  • Reading as a Class

    Reading as a Class
    The first book I ever read as a whole class was the first Chronicles of Narnia titled The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. This was in 4th grade. This was a cool experience because we were able to read with our teacher and discuss our thoughts instead of doing it by ourselves.
  • My First Series

    My First Series
    At the end of 5th grade I began to read Harry Potter. I had always loved the movies. This was after the 4th movie and before the 5th came out. That summer, the 7th book came out. I read all 7 books in about five months. It is because of those books that I am who I am today. I am actually re-reading them for the third time right now.
  • Accelerated Reading

    Accelerated Reading
    This was the program that used to determine what level books we were allowed to read. It was based off of our comprehension during a multiple choice quiz after reading a book. I didn't like these very much.
  • The First Book I Never Finished

    The First Book I Never Finished
    My parents would always buy me books for Christmas. Those were the only things I was always certain that I wanted. In my 6th grade year I was given the Lord of the Rings series. I read The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, and I began the Two Towers but to this day, my bookmark is stuck in the middle of the book. This is important because it showed me my frustration level with books.
  • My Favorite MS Teacher

    My Favorite MS Teacher
    Ms. Kanter, my 7th grade reading teacher was amazing. I remember she wrote in my yearbook that I reminded her of herself because I was such an avid reader. She always encouraged me to keep reading, even when they were hard books in class about concepts I didn't quite understand.She is amazing.
  • What really happened on the Titanic

    What really happened on the Titanic
    In 8th grade, we had a reading project where we were assigned a random passenger on The Titanic, and we had to read the biography of who the person was. It was a cool way to find out the true events of the Titanic compared to the romantic movie.
  • To Read or Not to Read

    To Read or Not to Read
    In high school we began the epic readings of William Shakespeare. This was one of those moments where I did not like reading much. He was difficult to understand and very dull for my mind at the time. Always reading his stuff is probably the reason I don't read books written in Old English
  • Choice Matters

    Choice Matters
    In my junior year of high school, we got to choose two books to read and compare and contrast. I chose the first book of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket and a book titled Graceling by Kristen Cashore. The ability to choose the books I read made the assignment fun and exciting. I was more willing to accomplish what could have been a daunting report.
  • My Favorite Author!

    My Favorite Author!
    I skip ahead to 2017 when I met Ellen Hopkins, who happens to be one of my absolute favorite authors. Her books opened my eyes to very real and scary things that happen in this world. She has made me laugh, cry, and love.