Meeting of the Estates General
The first meeting of Estates-General took place at Versailles, France. This meeting happened to have approval of raising taxes because of the debt France had for the war. This meeting included all 3 estates. In this event, the clergy and the nobles had dominated the Estates-General throughout the Middle ages and expected to do so in the 1789 meeting. Under the assembly's medieval rules, each estates' delegate met in a separate hall to vote, and each estate had one vote. -
Voted to Establish the National Assembly - leads to the Tennis Court Oath.
voted to establish the National Assembly, in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government. This vote was the first deliberate act of revolution. -
Storming of the Bastille
In the morning of July 14, an army full of people from a National Assembly which began to search for gunpowder and arms. The Parisians stormed the prison called Bastille in Paris, France. This happened because there was some bullets fired from the fortress so the people got mad and stormed + killed the governor. -
Feudalism is Ended, Divisions between Estates Ended
The National Constituent Assembly, announced, "The National Assembly abolished the feudal system entirely." It abolished both the rights of the Second Estate (the nobility) and the First Estate (the clergy).The old judicial system, founded on the 13 regional parliaments, was suspended in November 1789, and finally abolished in 1790. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and other Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was decided in the National Assembly.The citizens declared and argued "men are born and remain free and equal in rights."They wanted LIberty, Equality and Fraternity. In the National Assembly they expressed their feelings and ideas. -
Royal Family attempts to Flee
Jacobins trailed Louis because he betrayed him. King Louis XVI is found guilty and is sent to death. He was beheaded in public by a machine called the guillotine in January 21, 1793. -
Legislative Assembly declaration war on Austria and Prussia
In the Legislative Assembly, located in France was forced to declare war on Austria and Prussia. They declared war because they feared similar revolts might happen due to the influence of the French,who wanted to spread their extraordinary ideas across Europe. -
Abolished the Monarchy
The national convention was formed elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy. It was located in France. -
Robespierre became a dictator
Robespierre was a great leader followed by Jacobins. Robespierre had an idea of creating a "republic of virtue", with this change he pretended to close churches and change important dates. After fighting he finally governed France as a dictator ship. This period is also known as a Reign of terror. -
Robespierre Death
Robespierre was betrayed by the members of the National Assembly. They demand his death by arresting him and sending him to be executed. The famous time called Reign of terror was finally over with Robespierre death. He died unheeded in the Guillotine machine.