North Korea Invades South Korea
UN Meeting
The Security Counsil decides to send troops to help South Korea defend from the invasion, to push the enemy back. -
Douglas MacArthur
President Truman assigns General MacArthur to lead the United Nations forces -
UN Troops land in South Korea
MacArthur lands his troops in Inchon, South Korea to attack the supply lines that connected North Korea to South Korea. This caused the invaders to be pushed back above the 38 parallel. -
China enters the War
When the UN troops cross the 38th parallel, China enters the war to defend their territory if the UN troops made it to the Yalu river. -
MacArthur advances
MacArhtur crossed the 38th parallel with the thought that China wouldn't enter the war, but when they did, he ran into many allied casualties. -
Truman Fires MacArthur
MacArthur was fired by President Truman because of his thoughts and actions that led to many deaths. -
War Ends
The War ends