Barbara was born
Barbra was born. Many people called her Barbie. -
First day of Kindergarden
This was a very scary Tuesday for Barbie because it was her first day of school. -
The Kennedy-Nixon Debate
The debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon was the first televised debate. Many people who watched the debate said Kennedy won while people who listioned tothe debate said Nixon won. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech
Martin Luter King Jr. makes his "I Have A Dream" Speech at the Lincoln Memoral durring the March on Washington. His speech is about equalitiyamong all races, religions, and sexes/gender. -
Father's Death
On this date a tragedy struck the Vasser family because Barbie's Father passed away, she was only ten years old when he passed. -
JFK Assination
In Dallas, Texas; November 22, 1963, president John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. The president was with his wife drive with the hood open waving to the public and Oswald shot him with a a rife three times. -
So far Barbie has lived in Michigan now she is moving to Wisconsin. -
New Television
Barbie's family has gotten a new TV. The thing that was so significant was that is was thier first colored TV. -
A teacher that didn't like Native Americans said to Barbie that she will never go to college because she was too poor to go. -
First day of Junior High
This was an intresitng Tuesday for Barbie because she started her first day of Junior High/Middle School. -
Moon Landing
In 1969 John F Kenndey's dream of senting a man to the moon by the end of the decade was fufilled. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr., and Micheal Collins were the first men on the moon. Neil A. Armstrong was the one who said the famous quote "One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind." Video Of the first moon landing. -
During Barbie's school years all girls had to were skirts, no pants. -
Richard Nixon's Resagnation
Richard Nixon's Resagnation was due to the Watergate Scandal and if he didnt resigin he would have been impeached. -
Turning Point
This was a turning point for manners. After this year people had less manners, they were more mean, and more rude. -
First day of College
Barbie went to Alverno College for two years and she went there the year of the Alverno's centenial. She went there for free because her family didn't have a lot of money and it was a single mother raising five children. -
Exxon Valdez
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989. -
This day was very tradic because two planes were flown in to the World Trate Center, one in a field, and one by the Pentagon. A video on 9-11.