Fan's Return (Resolution)
"... a little girl, much younger than the boy, came darting in, and putting her arms about his neck" (Dickens 33). ID/E This is Fan hugging Scrooge and trying to bring him home. -
Scrooge's Breakup <3
"'What Idol has replaced you?' he rejoined, 'A golden one'" (Dickens 38). ID/S Scrooge now worships money and doesn't care about her. -
Marley's Death
"Even Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event" (Dickens 11). ID/T Scrooge does not care about Marley's death. -
Refuse to Donate
"Scrooge frowned, and shook his head, and handed the credentials back" (Dickens 16). ID/A Scrooge does not want to donate to anyone. -
Scrooge Sees His Past
"'Spirit!' said Scrooge, 'Show me no more! Conduct me home'" (Dickens 38). ID/S Scrooge sees his past self and feels sadness for his younger self. -
Scrooge Sees Tiny Tim <3
"... tell me if Tiny Tim will live', 'I see a vacant seat.'" (Dickens 51). ID/S Scrooge cares about if Tiny Tim will live. -
Scrooge Meets the Final Ghost
"... said Scrooge, shuddering from head to foot" (Dickens 67). ID/L Scrooge is afriad of the Spirit. -
Scrooge Sees Himself Dead <3
"'Tell me what man that was whom we saw lying dead?'" (Dickens 71) ID/S Scrooge wants to know who was the man lying dead in the bed. -
Marley's Visit
"... though he felt the chilling influence of its death-cold eyes" (Dickens 25). D Scrooge is warned by Marley's ghost to change. -
Christmas Day
"'It's Christmas Day...', 'I haven't missed it'" (Dickens 76). ID/S Scrooge wakes up on Christmas day to see that he is still alive.