Jacques louis david   napoleon crossing the alps   kunsthistorisches museum

A brief road from XVIII art to XX art

  • Discovery of Pompeii

    The buried city of Pompeii discovery inspired the movement of Neoclassicism because the city delighted and impressed the society of the time
  • Period: to


    Art period which consisted in a very rational and intellecutal perspective on art.
    It was inspired by the greek principles and perspectives. Perfection is the main objective, and the artists took what Greeks considered perfect and plasmed it in all the artworks. People from this era tried to imagine what was perfect for Greeks.
    There were not much innovations during this time.
  • The Death of Marat

    The Death of Marat
    Painting by Jaques-Louis David
  • Venus Victrix

    Venus Victrix
    Sculpture by Antonio Canova. It depicts Venus lying on a matress. Paulina Bonaparte modelled for the sculpture
  • Period: to


    Romanticism was a reaction to Neoclassicism. The artists didn't care of perfection and considered subjectivity as the main concern on art, it can be said as emotions.
    Artists talked about a wide variety of themes. A lot of works have gloomy atmospheres due to the social and political problems of the time. This artistic movement lasted almost all the XIX century. Artists innovated with techniques and styles, although the population eventually got tired of Romanticism
  • Saturn Devouring His Son

    Saturn Devouring His Son
    It is a painting made by Francisco de Goya. It represents Saturn, the mithologic character, eating his own son
  • La Liberté guidant le peuple

    La Liberté guidant le peuple
    It is one of the most famous paintings in history. It was painted by Eugène Delacroix, It represents the French Revolution
  • Period: to


    Realism is a reaction against Romanticism. The reason is that the general population didn't identified with Romanticism and considered it as something away from reality.
    Realism begins with the first photography ever taken (in the year of 1938), because with this, artists inspired themselves on depicting reality as it is. There are examples like portraying royalty as normal people, without special characteristics. Realism also criticizes its social and political context
  • Les casseurs de pierres

    Les casseurs de pierres
    It represents two young peasants working with rocks. It is considered a social realism artwork because of its intention of sympathizing with the less fortunated population. It was painted by Gustave Courbet
  • Des glaneuses

    Des glaneuses
    It is a representation of three young black women workers of a plantation. This painting is special because it shows a contrast between the workers and the higher class that manages them. It was made by Jean-François Millet
  • Period: to


    This was not a movement, but directly an art period with several art movements within it. These movements are Fauvism, Cubism and Surrealism.
    The Avant-Garde was a period of extreme innovation because artists unlearned everything they knew for creating totally different techniques and styles that never were seen before. Subjectivity is further explored (much more than in Romanticism), taking into account the subjectivity in the technique and style
  • Madame Matisse

    Madame Matisse
    It is the portrait of a woman, although the work plays with colors for giving a different effect on the woman. If we look at her face we notice that one side has normal skin color, while th other side has a wide variety of greens,
    It was painted by Henri Matisse
  • Las señoritas de la calle de Avinyó

    Las señoritas de la calle de Avinyó
    It represents a group of women on the New York streets. Pablo Picasso uses his unique technique with geometrical figures for creating an innovative work. Picasso plays with the shapes and lines and the three-dimensional space.
  • Maisons à L'Estaque

    Maisons à L'Estaque
    It is a representation of a village of houses. The dispositions of the figures are curious and we, as spectators, can only guess where are the houses located. We don't know if they are in a mountain, a forest, or something else
  • The Corn Poppy

    The Corn Poppy
    This painting depicts a woman with a special use of lines, shapes and colors. The general feeling of the painting is gloomy. The woman looks fragile and with a deep sadness on her face. It was painted by Kees van Dongen
  • La persistencia de la Memoria

    La persistencia de la Memoria
    Painted by Salvador Dalí, it represents a land of cheerless clocks. The painting is considered a symbol of surrealism
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Art

    It is also a time period with art movements within it. This period begins specifically after World War Two, but for concepts of the timeline we put it right at the beginning of WWII.
    This period has Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art and Minimalism as its main movements. It is an evolution from Avant-Garde because subjectivity deepens even more, at the point where we have art without meaning, the only thing that cares are emotions.
  • Mural

    Abstact Expressionism:
    Painted by Jackson Pollock, it is a set of ondulated lines that seem to have been disposed randomly, although we must remember that they were carefully disposed, and that the emotions are what care in the painting, there is no meaning at all
  • The Liver Is the Cock's Comb

    The Liver Is the Cock's Comb
    Abstract Expressionism:
    Created by Arshile Clorcky, the painting has a chaotic sense into it, the lines and shadows give a feeling of scariness and chaos
  • Dead Leaves

    Dead Leaves
    Personally, I find hard to give an interpretation to this work. All I can do is to describe it. In the painting a Redhead woman seems to be pulling a threadball from the inside of a strange dark being at the side of her. It was painted by Remedios Varo
  • Gold Marilyn Monroe

    Gold Marilyn Monroe
    Made by Andy Warhol, this artwork simply shows a Marilyn Monroe with a purple face and golden hair with a brownish background. This follows the philosophy of Andy Warhol which is simplicity
  • In the car

    In the car
    Pop Art:
    Made by Roy Lichtenstein, this artwork depicts a man and a woman in a car. The work follows the principal characteristics of pop art, giving the cartoonish feeling that is principal of Lichtenstein works
  • Untitled

    Created by Robert Morris, it simply shows 4 cubes placed in a square shape order. They reflect each other. As the art current states, there are minimal elements within the work
  • Untitled

    Made by Donald Judd, it shows a stack of three-dimensional rectangles in a white background. There is nothing more within the work.