First catalog of intstructional films published (National)
Division of Visual Aids for War Training established by the US federal government (National)
PLATO project initiated at the University of Illinois (National)
Ohio Educational Telecommunications Network Commission created (Ohio)
CAI research and development begins at Stanford University (National)
First regular programming of Sesame Street (National)
Apple II: first successful mass-produced personal computer (National)
Star Schools Proram Assistance Act passes (National)
Mosaic browser released, allowing the general public to use the Internet (National)
Ohio SchoolNet Commission begins within the Department of Education (Ohio)
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Snowe-Rockefeller amendment passes (E-rate) (National)
Ohio SchoolNet becomes an independent agency (Ohio)
Ohio K-12 Network created "to provide funding to assist Ohio school districts in connecting statewide, K-12 educational technology network." (Ohio)
Internet access in all classrooms (Hudson)
HCSD purchases laptop cart with modems (Hudson)
Ohio Academic Content Standards in Technology released (Ohio)
Classrooms at East Woods Elementary recieve document cameras (Hudson)
Thefacebook.com launched (National)
eTech Ohio created, a state agency merging Ohio Educational Telecommunications Network Commission and the Ohio SchoolNet Commission. (Ohio)
Wireless Internet begins in all Hudson schools (Hudson)
PIF Levy- earmarks money for technology (Hudson)
Technology Readiness Tool announced by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and the Partnership for Assessment Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) (Ohio)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) begins in the Hudson Schools (Hudson)
East Woods gets wireless internet and gives teachers access (Hudson)
East Woods Computer Lab #2 is established with 24 student computers (Hudson)
SunGard Administrative System used in the HCSD (Hudson)
Ohio participates in Online Assessment Pilot (Ohio)
ChromeBooks purchased 1:2 student ratio (Hudson)
Technology Readiness Tool goes offline (Ohio)
PARCC Common Core testing discontinued in the state of Ohio (Ohio)
American Institutes for Research (AIR) replaces PARCC test (Ohio)