Abraham lincoln 758x430

A brief history of Abraham Lincoln

  • Born on February 12 1809

    Born on February 12 1809
    Date of Birth: Born on February 12 1809
    Place of Birth : Kentucky.
    Parents: Father, Thomas Lincoln
    Mother, Nancy Hanks
    Background Facts, Information & Ancestry : Grandfather was Samuel Lincoln who originated from from Hingham, England to Massachusetts in 1637.

    Abraham Lincoln is born in Nolin Creek in Kentucky. His humble home was a one-room log cabin.
  • First Speech

    First Speech
    March: The Lincoln family move to Illinois First political speech of Abe in favor of improving navigation on the Sangamon River.
  • Start of Political Career

    Start of Political Career
    August 4: Lincoln is elected to the Illinois General Assembly
    Abe starts to study law
    Abe meets Ann Rutledge
  • As a Lawyer

    As a Lawyer
    Practises as a lawyer on the 8th Judicial Circuit in Illinois
    December 3: Admission to United States Circuit Court
    Meets Mary Todd at a Christmas dance.
  • Mary Todd

    Mary Todd
    August 3: Re-elected to the Illinois General Assembly
    Mary Todd accepts his proposal of marriage and the couple become engaged
  • Duel averted

    Duel averted
    September: Challenged to a sword duel by James Shields over the publication of letters which taunted the Democrat Shields
    September 22: Duel averted by an explanation of letters
    November 4: Abe marries Mary Todd in Springfield
  • Senator Lincoln

    Senator Lincoln
    Nominated as Republican senator from Illinois to oppose the Democrat Stephen A. Douglas.
  • President of the United States

    President of the United States
    May 18: Nominated to be the Republican candidate for President of the United States
    November 6: Abraham Lincoln is elected as 16th U.S. president
    December 20: South Carolina secedes from the Union shortly followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    President Lincoln and his wife Mary go to Ford's Theater to see the play "Our American Cousin" . During the third act of the play John Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the head at approx. 10:13 p.m.
    April 15: President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 in the morning. Vice President Andrew Johnson assumes the presidency
    April 26: John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.
    May 4: Abraham Lincoln is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, outside Springfield, Illinois.