Holiday Camps
In 1945, holiday camps were at their peak, catering for about 60 percent of the holiday market. The holiday clamp went into decline in the 1970's as their was a high demand in package holidays. Because of this there are holiday parks such as the Centre Parks which offers short break holidays including weekend, mid-week or a longer stay for a certain period of time all year round. There has been a growth in short breaks to British cities and activity holidays in countryside areas of the UK. -
Package Holidays
An example of a Travel and Tourism product would be a package holiday. Package holidays are all inclusive and include transport and food. The first package holiday was in 1949 and was organised by Vladmir Raitz. He took 32 passengers to Corsica and charged them £32.50. The package included accommodation in tents, transfers and return flights. In the 1960's package holidays started to develop with some of them being sold and advertised by tour operators, offering many people a chance to travel ab -
Destination Development
Destinations have developed thoroughly since the 1960's through promotion and popularity. E.g. The Twin Towers 2001. The development is that destinations have become more well known in this present day and age. Years and years ago destinations weren't even known some and were never visited, though now are visited and have become a popular destination.
The growth of destination development has had an effect on the industry by changing tourism, and destinations forever. With the growth of popular -
Development of Tourism Act 1969
An Act to provide for the establishment of a British Tourist Authority and Tourist Boards for England, Scotland and Wales with responsibility for promoting the development of tourism to and within Great Britain. It also provides for the giving of financial assistance out of public funds for the provision of new hotels and other establishments at which sleeping accommodation is provided by the way of trade or business. The British Tourist Authority and the English Tourism Council have now been me -
Transport Development
Transport for Travel and Tourism is constantly changing to meet customer demands for safer, more faster, more comfortable and affordable travel. Transport systems provide jobs and allow the delivery of materials needed to build cities and towns. Transport also serves the needs of the needs of the people who live in those towns-providing means to deliver food and carrying citizens to and from their destinations. -
Technolgical Development
Technological is the development of anything technological that has or can be used within the travel and tourism industry. Since the inventing of the internet, technology has developed dramatically because of the way we now use the internet to book online also developing tourism with how simple it now is to book through the internet the travel abroad. There are also Tablets and Ipads that are commonly used and are easier to book online. Since the 1960’s technology has developed hugely with new p -
Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations:
Since 1992 all UK tour operators offering package holidays have been subject to the Package Travel, Holidays and Tour Regulations. The regulations were put into place to ensure that there was no improper conduct by Tour Operators. These regulations set out the tour operators responsibilities to their customers and what those customers can do if the regulations are breached. All the regulations should have the correct information displayed in the brochure appropriately. -
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA):
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 aims to end the discrimination that faces many people with disabilities. The legislation requires public bodies to promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities. It also allows the government to set minimum standards so that people with disabilities can use public transport easily. -
Air Passenger Duty
Air Passenger Duty (APD) is a tax imposed by the UK government on all passengers flying out of the UK. In 1996, air passenger duty was reduced on economy flights, removing a barrier to the growth of inbound tourism. However, in 2006 it was greatly increased. -
Self Check in 2005:
saves costs for travel companies and increase convenience for travellers. When this system was introduced, passengers could save time by checking in their luggage themselves. Also passengers could choose where they wanted to be seated on the plane and print their own boarding passes out.