9th grade timeline

  • Period: 8000 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ancient Greek Civilization

  • 4000 BCE


    One of the first civilizations founded. The sumerians were the first to create a written language called cuneiform and also made great advances in agriculture.
  • 1250 BCE

    Trojan war

    The trojan war was fought between the Greeks and Trojans. The greeks came out the victor because of cunning military strategy to get in the city of troy and plunder it, killing everybody.
  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

    The first games were held in olympia and the person who won all of it would be presented an olive wreath for their head and would have a statue made in their honor
  • 750 BCE

    Creation of the Greek Alphabet

  • 730 BCE

    First Messenian war

  • 640 BCE

    Second Messenian war

  • Period: 497 BCE to 479 BCE

    persian wars

  • Period: 461 BCE to 445 BCE

    First peloponnesian war

    The Peloponnesian war was fought between Sparta and their allies v.s the power hungry Athens and their allies.
  • 446 BCE

    Peace treaty

    A thirty year peace treaty was signed between Sparta and Athens
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    First peloponnesian war continues

    The fighting between Athens and Sparta resumed
  • 146 BCE

    Rome invades greece

  • Period: 500 to 1000

    The dark ages

    This was a time where Cultural development was not prevalent. Religious advances weren't made.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Period: 500 to 1500


  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The crusades

    The Crusades were a number of wars fought between the Christians and the Muslims. It started off with the Christians trying to reconquer Jerusalem but their motives changed and they decided to eradicate the muslims.
  • Period: 1300 to


  • May 2, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers the new world

  • Period: 1500 to

    age of Exploration

  • Period: 1517 to


  • Period: 1519 to 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the globe

    He became the first person to circumnavigate the globe and he made many maps of the world
  • Period: to

    Sigmund Freud

    Is considered the father of Psychoanalysis
  • Period: to

    Meiji Period

    A period of time where social reforms and many other social aspects drastically changed.
  • Period: to

    Mahatma Gandhi

    One of the most well know philosophers for his view on peace and justice
  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin

    The dictator of russia. He made Russia a communist country. He also helped to start the Cold war.
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein

    One of the smartest people to ever walk the earth. He invented the formula for how energy relates to mass and was major leader in the science area.
  • Period: to

    Pablo Picasso

    One of the most famous artists of all time. He was very talented and his style of painting broke the strict rules of European "Style" and it influenced western style very much.
  • The Berlin Confrence

  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler was the nazi dictator of Germany during WW2. He also persecuted the Jew very intensely and wiped out millions of them.
  • Period: to

    Sino-Japanese war

  • Period: to

    Beginning and end of the boxer rebellion

  • Period: to

    Emperor Hirohito

    Was the emperor of Japan and made Japan a militaristic country. He allied with Germany and helped to attack the U.S
  • Period: to

    Russo Japanese war

    A short war that was fought between Russia and Japan over Korea
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Russian revolution

    The revolution ended the monarchy and implanted the Bolshevik system
  • League of Nations created

  • Period: to

    Margaret thatcher

    Former prime minister
  • Period: to

    Chinese Communist revolution

  • Period: to

    Great Depression

  • Period: to

    Anne Frank

    She was a Jewish citizen who did not survive the holocaust, she is known for her journals that she wrote on the matter
  • rape of Nanjing

    Thousands of Chinese people were killed, raped, and tortured by Japanese soldiers
  • Period: to


  • Attack on Peral Harbor

  • Period: to

    Tehran Confrence

    Held between the Three major allied leaders
  • Period: to

    Cold war

  • Period: to

    Yalta Confrence

  • Period: to

    Potsdam conference

  • Marshall plan

    Plan to help Europe to recover
  • Period: to

    Berlin Wall

    A massive wall that separated West Germany from the East.
  • Period: to

    Collapse of the Soviet union

    The soviet union split into 15 different countries
  • The Tiananmen Massacre

    Many protesters were slaughtered
  • Period: to

    Bosnian Genocide