The Steam Engine
The steam engine was originally made by a man named Thomas Newcomen. It was very inifecient and mainly used for pumping water. Later, in 1763 a man whom is more infamous for the invention of the steam engine is James Watt. He did not in fact come up idea but did improve it greatly. After James' revision it used 3/4 less the amount of coal and could work at a much more effient pace. This was important in history and effected the making/ use of cotton and later the train for transportation. -
The French Revolution
The French revolution started on May 5th, 1789 where an assaembly took place with the three estates; clergy,nolblility, and the people, to turn the spiraling economy around. This lead to the end of monarchy and then to a reign of terror, where many were killed, including the king and queen. Finally, at the end of the French Revolution, a man named Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in 1999, turning things around for the better. -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution began with african peoplelonging to be free from their Frence leaders who had "claimed" them for their own. This war took place in Saint Domingue, Haiti and was succcesful to the african people. A great a leader who participated in the revolution for the good of the haitians was a man by the name of François Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture. The participation of François lead to the Independence of Haiti and also marked the start of the republic of Haiti. -
Idenpendence of Mexico
This was a war lasting from 1810 to 1821 which was fired by Mexicans wanting freedom from Spain. On the 16th of September, 1810 a rebelious laid-back Priest, Father Miguel Hidalgo, Started the revolt against the mother land, Spain. Indians joined his side but weren't trained and lost, Father Miguel Hidalgo was executed. The same happened to Father Jose Maria Morelos. Later in 1821, the Churches and Mexican-Born joined together and defeated the spanish and won they're freedom. -
Congress Of Vienna
After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, the king of Italy, a confrence to0k place to preserve the peace of the people he had intitially made in Europe. This conference is called the Congress Of Vienna. Evident from it's name, it took place in Vienna, Austria from 1814 to 1815. The outcome of the Congress was very successful and Europe had peace for about a half a century. -
Opium War
Opium (a seed grown in India used for tea) was huge to British merchants because of the profit they made off the chinese. Many chinese bacame addicted to this drug, raising the demand for the seed, which messed with the economy. Chinese government later made the drug illegal and killed all who sold it. The British kept smuggling them to china, which angered the Chinese which lead to the opium war. The chinese lost because of outdated equiptment. This lead to treaty's and the British rule of HK. -
The Communist Manifesto
This was pamphlet, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles in Germany. It predicted conflicts of the social classes, ending in their idea of communism. Where all economoy and property were owned by the comunity as a whole. They encouraged the lower class people to fight for communism. People who agreed with Karl later created named his ideas Marxism and it continued to spread throughout the world. German Socialists warmed to Karls Ideas over the years and formed a soicial democracy. -
Matthew Calbraith Perry Goes to Japan
Matthew Calbraith Perry, the commodore of the U.S. navy proposed the idea opening trade routes west with Japan in 1853. This was a little crazy at the time because Japan was a closed society. In 1854 he got the treaty of Kanagawa signed, creating an official peacful friendship between the U.S. and Japan. This lead to popular trading between the two and the modernization of china. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoy Mutany or The IndIan Rebellion was a revolt against the British East India Comany. The start of the revolt was March 10th, 1857 when native Indian employees were treated with injustice and insulted by the BEIC. They felt this because it was thougt that the guns they were loading as their job contained cow lard, which is their religions sacred animal. If they refused they were imprisoned. Some moved back to their capital home land others masacared the British. It lead to a viceroy. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference or Kongokonferenz which is german for "Congo Conference" regulated trade and settlement in Africa. It took place in Germany from 1884 to 1885 after europe took great interest in Africa because of their many usful resources such as; tea, gold and opium. It was important becuase it made the Congo free for any country to trade on. -
Russo-Japanese War
This was a war between Russia and the Japanese for expansion to Manchuria and Korea. The Russians wanted warm trading port, Port Arthur, but the Japanese also wanted it so they seiged the Russians. The Japanese cut the Russians port supply in 1904, which was effective because in 1905 the Russian Comander surrendered. Japan did end up taking control of the ports. This was important because it effected trade and who controlled it. -
Zulu Uprising
The Zulu uprising, better known as the Bambatha Rebellion, was the act of the Zulu people revolting against the British to end their taxation and control. This took place in Natal, South Africa. Around 4,000 Zulu people were killed during this war, ending in British victory. The British won with help of Indians that were risiding in that part of Africa at the time from the influence of a man named Mohandas Gandhi. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied the government of America and Europe when he made the Three Principals of the People; Nationalism, Democracy and Social well-being. People all over China joined him to overthrow the Qing dynasty in 1911 when a two year old inherited the throne too early. He became the presedent later that year. People liked him then and even today because of his effort to change china for the better.