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Leading up to REVOLUTION

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    French and Indian War
    -began by George Washington
    -ended in 1763
    -between French&British, plus their indian allies
    -AKA 7 years war
    -british bad @ first, tried to attack wilderness forts.
    -changed strategy, got Quebec&Montreal
    -therfore, British won
    -gained all French territory in North America
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Proclamation of 1763
    -forbade colonists from settling the Ohio R. Valley & other frontier lands.
    -to assuage Indian fears that the white man would take over&drive them from their ancestoral land
    -colonists angry, that land had just been hard won from France
    -established new colonies: Quebec, East FL, West FL & Grenada
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Sugar Act
    -George Grenville convinced Parliament to pass this
    -it built on the previous Sugar/Molassas Act (1733)
    -old=not enforced
    -new= tax lowered, but enforced
    -also, more items to be taxed were added
    -the purpose was to decrease colonial trade w/ foreign countries
    -esp. France's West Indies
    -it was lowered after protests by the colonists
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    stamp act
    -passed to raise money to support the new military force in the colonies
    -colonists forced to use only paper goods that had the stamp of approval
    -that is, a tax had been paid on the product
    -included cards, newspapers, legal paper, diplomas, etc.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    quartering act
    This act was issued by Parliament. It required the colonists to give lodging and food to any British soldier that required it. This caused much resentment among the colonists, as the soldiers were known to sometimes steal, and act unruly when under the hospitality of the colonists.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    stamp act congress
    -in NYC
    -27 delegates from 9 colonies
    -wrote a 14 point Declaration of Rights and Grievances
    -ignored in Europe
    -made a small splash in colonies
    -began to turn thoughts towards breaking away from Britain
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    declaratory act
    -this re-stated Parliament's control over the colonies
    -passed right after stamp act was repealed
    -kind of showed that, even though they (parliament) had been leniant, they were still in control of the colonies
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    townshend acts
    -implemented by Charles "Champagne Charley" Townshend
    -imposed light tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint&TEA
    -revenue would go to pay salaries of the royal officials in the colonies
    -angered the colonists
    -smuggling thrived
  • British troops occupy Boston

    British troops occupy Boston
    british troops in boston
    -after uprisings in Boston, British troops from Novam Scotia and England came to occupy the city
    -no violence (yet)
    -instead, Bostonians made nonimportation agreements
    -did not import or export anything British
    -hurt the British industries
    -"the powerful merchants back in Britain intervened on behalf of colonies"
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    boston massacre
    -between 60 or so towspeople and 10 or so British redcoats
    -townspeople provoked redcoats
    -threw clubs, rocks, verbal abuse
    -British fired (without orders)
    -11 'innocent' were either wounded or killed
    -at trial of the soldiers, John Adams defended them
    -believed everyone had right to be defended by someone who would try their hardest to defend them
    -led to Royal Governor evacuating the troops out of Boston
  • Townshend Acts repealed, except for tea tax

    Townshend Acts repealed, except for tea tax
    -after many protests, Parliament repealed all the Townshend Acts EXCEPT tea
    -wanted to prove that colonists still had to obey Parliament
    -infuriated colonists
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    boston tea party
    -East India Company is struggling
    -British give them a monopoly of colonial tea trade
    -new tax would make tea from the company cheaper than anywhere else
    -colonists would buy tea&acknowledge Parliament's right to tax them
    -not fooled
    -got angry, esp. in Boston
    -there, 200 men(some dressed as indians) boarded ships&sumped cargo into harbour
    -colonist liked, Britain no
    -immediately after, passed 'Intolerable Acts'
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    intolerable acts
    -date =1st of 5 acts
    -in order passed: Boston Port Act - closed Boston's port, Administration of Justice Act - royal governor could ban town meetings (5/20/1774), Massachusetts Goverment Act - British officials accused would have England trial, not MA trial (5/20/1774), Quartering Act - troops could occupy unoccupied colonial homes(6/2/1774) & Quebec Act -govt. formed in Quebec (6/22/1774).
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    more quebec actqubec act
    -part of the intolerable acts
    -gave Quebec land of the Ohio Valley
    -allowed people there to have freedom of religion
    -angered colonists who wanted that land
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    First Continental Congress
    -11/13 colonies.
    -Carpenter's Hall, Phil.
    -44 delegates at 1st (more came as Congress progressed).

    -demographics: 2 = NH, 4 = MA, 2 = RI, 3 = CT, 5 = NY, 5 = NJ, 6 = PA, 3 = DE, 3 = MD, 6 = VA, 5 = SC.
    -Peyton Randolph (VA)=president, Charles Thomson (PA)= secretary.
    -Each colony -> 1 vote, no matter the population.
    -Patrick Henry set tone, "I am not a Virginian, but an American."
    -ended 10/28/1774
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    battle of concord
    -British wanted the gundpowder stored at Concrod, MA
    -had just defeated some militiamen at Lexington
    -here though, more were gathered
    -defeated the British
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    Battle of Lexington
    -Brirish wanted military supplies in Lexington, MA
    -marched there from Boston
    -Paul Revere rode, some militiamen gathered
    -"shot heard round the world"
    -Patriots ultimately lost
    -British moved on to Concord that same day
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    2nd continental congress
    -in Phil., PA
    -diff than 1st bc now there was thought of fighting
    -form Continental Army
    -George Washington = commander in chief
    -Colonial money printed
    -new group to deal w/ foreign countries
    -most not seeking total independence at first
    -approved Olive Branch Petition
    -king rejected peace attempt
    -ordered Hessians (german soldiers)
    -changed mood -> now want independence (most)
    -led to Declaration of Independence (1776)
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    battle of bunker hill
    -actually on Breed's Hill
    -overlooking Boston
    -Patriots on hill
    -British trying to charge up it
    -ended in a draw
    -Patriots ran out of gunpowder
    -forced to retreat
    -considered a major success in standing up to oppression
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    common sense
    -instant best seller in colonies
    -120,000 copies (a lot then)
    -top arguements:
    -why does a small country rule such a large territory?
    -wanted a republic, without a king, using elected officials
    -govt. should get its authority from the people