Unit 6 Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The Steam engine was built in the United States. this lead to the new sources of energy in the 18th century. then James Watt came along and improved the steam engine. this was important because it was a faster way to comiute around the country.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French were mad at the their King, the people rebelled. Tennis court oaths came together. The people then went to the Bastille to get armed. Declaration of the Rights of Man, because of this the nobles moved away. Napoleon comes along and over throws directory. This was important because this started Napoleons code.
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    Haitian Revolution

    The Hatit revolution happened because the people were wanting revenge. more than 100,000 slaves rose up agaisnt the French to fight. the slaves won which makes this so important because Hatit got their independence.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    The Mexicans wanted independence from Spain. They planed on getting groups of people to over throw the authoritys. Mexican ex-royalistas and other mexican were comming together to fight Spain. this was important becasue hte Treaty of Cordoba was singed and mexico finially had their independence.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna is when delegates get together to disucss the fate of Europe and France. This brought back traditional court life. The return of noble privilege and power. In June of 1815 the Finial Act of the congress of Vinna was happening. the importance of this was the balance of power was back.
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    Opium War

    The Opium War was trade disputes between British and Hong Kong over the drug opium, British forced Chinese government into signing the treaty of Hanking and the treaty of Tianjnn. this was important because this opeaned more ports for trade. the recognition that both countries are equal and for the cession of Hong Kong to Britian.
  • unification of Germany

    unification of Germany
    German states entered into Zollverein. The people of Germany did not agree on what kind of government they wanted. in the states the monarchies statered to be overthrown. The Frankfurt Parliament got together, the result of this was the fail of unification. this was important becuase it was the first time that Germany had failed to unifty.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    the Communist Manifesto is a book which was written by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engles. they are both German potical therorists. this was important because the book describes thw lower working class and the communist party. it also talks about the problems with capitalism. many people read this book and it made an impact on their new opions.
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    Matt Perry goes to Japan
    matt went to Japan to find Japanese trade tresaty. when in Japan matt threatened to use force if the Japanese boats did not disperse. the importance of this was the siging of the Covention of Kanajawa in 1854, which states the ports of Shimoda and Halodat are opean to united States trade.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The sepoys were indians that were trained to be soldiers by the British. The sepoys were made about cows and they mutinied. the mutiny became organized and they took over cities of Delhi and Kanpur. this was important because the indian presence in the British army was almost reduced by half. the British army then acted as if they were in occupied land.
  • Zulu uprising

    Zulu uprising
    The Bambatha uprising was the lead by the Zulu people agasint the British. the uprising happened becasue they did not like the British taxes and rule. the Zulu's started lauching attacks on the British, which ended up in the British winning all these attacks. this was important becasue most of the Zulu people were killed and there was a big lose of lives and money.
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    Berlin Coference

    the berlin conference was set up for the dividing of Africa. king Leopold II of Belgium set up this meeting. Africa was divided up for colonization. at the coference there was no one to repersent Africa. this was important because it lead to the independence of Ethiopia and Liberia. The effect of the Berlin Coference was rampant exploration of new more natural resources, cultutral distruction, economic transformation.
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    Russo-Japanese War

    the Russo-Japanese War was a military conflict in which Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy. Japan became the first power in modern times to depheat european power. this was important becuase the treaty of portsmouth was signed, which states Japan as the dominat power in Korea. also Manchuria was restored to China.
  • Dr.Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr.Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    Dr.Sun Yat-sen is reffered to as the Founding Father of Republican China. the over throw was due to the anger from the people at corruption in the Qing Dynasty and the inability to restrain the interactions with forgien powers. this was important because the Republic of China came over of the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Dr.Sun was the first leader of the Republican China.