Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen invented the Steam engine in 1712. It was later improved by James Watt in 1764. He invented the rotary motion steam engine. James discovered that the engine should always be at a certain tempurature. This made the steam engine much more energy efficient. -
French Revolution
King Louis XVI developed a new tax system. This led to the tennis court oath. During this oath, the 3rd estate had a meeting for the reforms to hold a vote by head. They made an oath to not stop until the problem was solved. This lead to the declaration to the rights of man. The reign of terro also took place. There were 300,000 arrested and 17,000 execcuted. Later, the constitution of 1795 created the 5 man committee. The French Revolution ended in 1799. -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution was when the slaves rose up. They revolted because of thier major crop, sugar cane. The slave revolt ended up with Haiti as a free country. -
Independence of Mexico
The French wanted to take over Mexico. Mexico won thier independence in 1810. They were now free. -
Congress of vienna
The Congress adopted a fair policy. they divided up the territory. This ensured that there would be no conflict for at least 40 years. The congress later led to conflicts in the nineteenth century. This ended in June of 1815. -
Opium War
This war was fought between China and Britian because of Trade in China. There was a treaty for upening up ports in China. After the war ended on August 29 of 1842, China was to be modernized. -
Communist Manifesto
The story, "Communist Manifesto", written by Karl Marx described the 'haves' and 'have-nots'. The have-nots are usually the people with a disadvantage and they have to work more. The haves usually have wealth and are in control. The book was very influential on the communist political life. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matt Perry opened trade with Japan. In 1853, he lead 4 ships to Tokyo. He also worked for a treaty with Japan. After the signing of the treaty, Japan was no longer separated from the world. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoy were trained by the British to be soldiers. They lead a rebellion against thier leaders. This was an attempt to reunite India. -
Unification of Germany
An Austrian and Prussian invasion caused control of provinces. These provinces were wanted under german control. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference was when King Leopold II of Belgium divided up Africa for colonization. There was no African representation at the conference. By 1914, only Ethiopia and Liberia were independent. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo Japanese war was fought between the Russia and Japan. Japan won the war and they got Korea and Manchuria. Later after the war, Japan tries to wipe out culture, and forces labor from the people. -
Zulu Uprising
The Zulu uprising was against european domination because the taxes were raised. It was led by cheif Bombatha. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over china
Dr. Sun Yat-sen believed in the three principles of the people. He fought for the republic of China and he was also the first president of China. When the Chinese took over in 1913, he fled to Japan.