Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen invented the Steam engine. James Watt then took Newcomens idea of the Steam engine and made it useable and changed the world, and helped start the Industrial revolution. -
French Revolution
The 3rd estate wants power and King Louis the XVI wasnt doing a good job running France. The third estate pushes for a revolution and then tennis court oath was took after the estates general was called and wasnt successful. The revolution claims many lives including King Louis and robespiere. It finally ends in 1799. -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution was between the slaves in Haiti agaisnt the French. Leading to the end of slavery and Haiti becoming a republic. Toussaint L'Ouverture helped lead the Haitian revolution and was shipped to france and died in prison. -
Independence of Mexico
On September 16, 1810 Mexico starts the fight for independence from Spain. The war finally ended on August 24, 1821 and Mexico was declared independent from Spain. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna started in September 1814 to June 1815. It was a meeting of embassadors from European countries to settle issues from the Fench Revolutionary wars. This reestablished frances political boundaries. -
Opium War
The Opium War was fought between the British and the Chinese. The Chinese wanted to stop the Opium distribution from the British. The Chinese tried to put a ban on Opium but Britian continued selling opium to the Chinese and war started. China lost both of the opium wars and had to tolerate the British selling them opium, -
Communist Manifesto
Communist Manifesto was a book written by Karl Marx about his ideas and theories about society and polotics. The Communist Manifesto stated that all of the European Powers already contain some communist polocies. It was the worlds most political manuscript. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matthew Perry went to Japan to help open Japans port to create trade. Matthew Perry went to Japan twice. The first time he arrived in Japan on July 8,1853. He went to the capital and demanded Japan opened their ports. Japan said no and Matthew Perry had a second visit in Feburary, 1854. On March 8th, 1854 Matthew Perry and the Japanese sat down to create the Treaty of Kanagawa. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoys were employed by the British East India Company as soldiers and the soldiers revolted because of race injustice. The Sepoys took over the cities Delhi and Kanpur. The British soon ended the Mutiny and recaptured the cities. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
Dr. Sun Yat-sen was born on November 12, 1866 and died on March 12, 1925. Dr. Sun Yat-sen led many uprisings in China and was famous for developing the Three Principes of People. -
Unification Of Germany
Germany was finally unified on January 18, 1871. There were many events that led up to the unification of Germany. After the Napoleanic wars and the congress of vienna 39 states were created and eventually unified. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference was the meeting of 14 nations to decide weather the Congo and Niger river would be open to trade. The Berlin Conference was called by King Leopold II. This lasted until February 26,1885. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War was between the Russian and Japanesee for Korea and Manchuria. The Japenese won this war and gained control of Korea and Manchuria. -
Zulu Uprising
The Zulu uprising was a revolt agaisnt the British to end the rule of South Africa and the taxation the British imposed.