Steam Engine
James Watt sucessfully created the steam engine. He was sent Newcomens steam engine to repair. Which led to the new steam engine. -
French Revolution
The French Revolutionary War lasted from 1789-1799. It began with France's economy.Then grew into the Fall of the Bastille. When Louis XVI died, Marie and her children were imprisoned. Napoleon Bonaparte helped put a halt to the Revolution -
Haitian Revolution
This lasted from1791 to 1804. Toussaint L'Ouverturer led the Haitian slavery revolt. -
Independence of Mexico
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla wanted the Mexicans to rise above the Spanish Crown to defeat them. -
Congress of VIenna
The Congress of Vienna most important international conferences. Theneeded to remake Europe aftere the downfall of Napoleon. it lasted 1814 to 1815. -
Opium War
This lasted from 1839 to 1842. The Governer sent a antidrug a campaign in Canton. Warships were ready to fight against British warships. -
Communist Manifesto
COmmunist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is their opion on the society of politics. -
sepoy mutiny
The sepoys were natives from India revolted against British who had complete power at the time. the sepoys thought that the britsh were destroying the harmony of india. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matt Perry was the who opened the travel to Japan. He traveled there on the SHARK. Enters in to Tokyo. Made Japan trade. -
Unficiation of Germany
King William I of Prussia in 1861. In 1862 questions were rising of the relationship with europe. In 1871 Franco-Prussian War was in full play. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference was from November 1884 to Febuary 1885. THe Berlin Conference was to monuver aroound a war. It let Europeans make colonies in Africa. It helped Africa economically and politically. -
Russo-Japanese War
This lasted from 1904 to 1905. They were both fighting to own claim Korea as their own. Russo won. -
Zulu uprising
In 1906 the British showed the Zulus a poll tax. the zulus didnt want this so they shot two of their officers. Then the britsih forced war upon the zulus. -
Dr. Sun Yat Sen takes over China
THis lasted until January to FEbuary 1912. Created the 3 princples of the people, Wanted a REpuublic