Steam Engine
The steam engine was first invented by Thomas Newcomen, but was made better by James Watt. Watt created the Rotary Motion for this engine, which is why Watt got the credit for the steam engine, The engine was huge during the industrial revolution, and is still used today for many things, such as modern trains. -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution was a revolt by the slaves that worked in producing sugar cane. This was a major product in Haiti, but was very tough to do, if you were a slave. This revolt was led by a man of the name Toussaint L’Ouverture. This revolt led to Haiti becoming freed. This revolution was said to be the major defining point of Africans in the New World. Another thing the revolution helped to do was be the example that others were to follow, which led to the freedom of many other places too. -
French Revolution
The French revolution began with the meeting of the States General. This had been a long time coming, with the ever increasing price of bread in France. While the new King and Queen lived lavishly, and never had empty bellys, their people were slowly starving to death. This finally led to an uprising that lasted a year, until finally, the people had a revolution. They sentenced many people to the Giotene for this, and finally they brought in Napolean, who completed thier revolution. -
Independance of Mexico
Mexicos war of Independance was fought by Mexican-born Spaniards, Mestizos and Amerindians who wanted independance from Spain. They were led by Hidalgo, who rallied them with his famous speech 'Grito de Delores'. These people went and fought against the army, this war lasted for 11 years, until finally the Mexicans won, and got their freedom. This is the official day of Mexican Independance, and is a very important holiday to the Mexicans. It is still celebrated today. -
Congress of Vienna
This was an International conference that tried to establish peace between the nations while dividing up the territories. It reestablished Monarchs in France, Spain, Portugal and Italian States. It helped to restore correctness over boundaries that had been disputed about. The conference worked to prevent widespread war for almost 100 years, along with creating new boundaries and territories for the nations. -
Opium War
This was a war fought between the Chinese and Britain’s with the goal of securing economic benefits from trade in China. The Treaty of Nankan was the first of what the Chinese called the Unequal Treaties. This granted a payment to Britain for opening the five treaty ports, which were Chinese ports. The British also got the Hong Kong Island in the deal. This launched the war that ended Chinas isolation and began modern Chinese history. -
Berlin Conference
The purpose of this conference was to split Africa into spheres of control. This conference laid the groundwork for the now familiar politico-geographical map of Africa. In November of 1844, they convened a conference of 14 states to try and set the new boundaries. There was no African representation there, which led to conflict. By 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia were Independent. -
Communist Manifesto
This was a book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It said that their were two types of people in the world, the haves and have-nots. Marx predicted a struggle between these groups, and that their would always be issues there. They said that capitalism would eventually be replaced communism. Marx suggested that the have-nots would always control the means of production though. This book is said to be one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. -
Matthew Perry goes to Japan
Perry went to Japan with the notion of opening their ports for trade. He negociated tirelessly with them, until the Japanese realized that they could not compete with American technology. Two port were opened under the treaty of Kanagawa. Soon after, America also put a tax on American goods. This mission led to the end of Japans isolation from the rest of the world. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoys were Indians trained by the British to be soldiers. They rose up against their officers and this spread from northern to central India. They marched to Delhi and overtook it, and named the last Mughol ruler as their leader. Soon after, the British stopped the revolt, and put India under the control of the British crown as well. -
Unification of Germany
Prussia was the leading power in Germany for a long time, and in 1862, the Prussian Prime Minister, Otto Von Bismarck, decided he wanted to unite Germany under Prussian rule. He wanted to give them all a common enemy to unite against, and chose France. Bismarck changed a telegraph from the king to France, and caused a war to begin. In 1871, France surrendered. The Treaty of Frankfurt was created, and Wilhelm was declared Kaiser, Uniting Germany. -
Russo-Japanese War
This was a war between Japan and Russia. The Russian troops were defeated in Manchuria, after Japan destroyed almost an entire Russian fleet. This was a monumental win, because it was the first time an Asian power had beaten a European power. The treaty of Portsmouth gave Japan control of Korea and parts of Manchuria. This Russian loss was one of the things that led to its own revolution. Japan became a world power, and was the first non-European and non-American imperialist modern state. -
Zulu Uprising
The Zulu uprising of 1906 was called the Bambatha Rebellion. This rebellion was over the taxes that the British were asking them to pay in Natal, South Africa. Because of this, the Boers get control of South Africa, and it becomes a white dominated state for about 100 years. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
When Sun had control, he wanted a republic based on the three principals of the people, which are nationalism, democracy, and livelihood. Sun steps down from his position in April of the same year to a strong general named Yuan Shikai, who he thinks may gain control for his people. His ideas stayed in place though.