Steam Engine
The steam engine was an engine that ran on steam, and was created by Thomas Newcomen. Later, it was prefected by James Watt. It allowed goods and people to get from place to place quickly and not requiring waterways. The steam engine powered trains, and boats. The impact that this event had on history, was that it began the industrial revolution, and was America's most effective machine. -
Start of French Revolution
The French Revolution began when the third estate created the National Assembly, and stormed the Bastile to obtain weapons. The third estate was upset about being taxed, and decided to revolt against the King and Queen. Their deaths began the reign of terror. The impact that this event had on history was that it established the 1,000 year rule of kings and France, and it established the nation as a republic. -
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Hatian Revolution
This revolution dealt entirely with slaves, and their revolts against their masters. Leader of the revolution was a man by the name of Toussaint L'Ouverture. This event had a very large impact, such as it turned a French colony into the nation of Haiti. The revolution was also an inspiration for other future revolts. -
Independence of Mexico
In the early 1800's, a group called the Queretaro, composed mostly of Creoles, met to discuss different topics. At this time, Mexico was under the rule of Spain, and the members of the group wanted to lead a rebellion to get out of their rule. On the said date, Father Hidalgo lead a speech known as El Grito de Dolores. Days later, a brutal, large war broke out. Mexicos battles continued on for long periods of time, but Mexico gained independence on September 16th 1810. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna met after Napoleon was defeated, to discuss the fate of Europe. They also met to restore the monarchs that Napoleon had destroyed. They had meetings, balls, and eventful gatherings. This event impacted Europe by returning rights of monarchs and power. At the end of the Congress, the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna was signed. It brought a balance of power to Europe, and said there was not to be another war there for 100 years. -
Opium War
The Opium War began with the trade with China costing Britian a lot of money, Britian realized the addiction of opium, and supplied the Chinese with large amounts of it. Britian was using the opium to in a sense "hurt" the Chinese' sense of government, so that the British could make their own decisions. The war broke out, and the Chinese suffered a defeat. The impact that this event has on history was that the first "unequal" treaty was created, which gave Britian trading rights over China. -
Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto was a book written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles, and it helped form the Communist thought. People were able to better understand the communist way of thinking. This impacted the future, because it became the most commonly read book of the time. The book expressed the idea of the "haves" and "have-nots", and talked mainy about the means of production. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
Matthew Perry was a Commodore that sailed into Tokyo, demanding that Japan open up to exchange. Japan agreed to open up to American ships.The visit that Perry made to China durastically sped up dramatic changes. Matt Perry impacted history by opening up China to trade. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Indian Rebellion began with the Seopy Mutiny. This began when word spread that their cartradges were greased with pig and cow fat, which were repulsive to Muslims and Hindus. The Sepoys mutninied, being horrified with the situation, and the mutiny began to grow. The began to take over larger cities, such as Delhi. The end of the rebellion destroyed East India Company rule, and convinced Indians that the past could not be restored. -
Unification of Germany
There were many wars involved with the Unification of Germany. The primse minister of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck, wanted to unite the German states. Later, the seven weeks war occured, and Prussia defeated Austria. Then, the Franco-Prussian war occured, and again the Prussians were victorious. In 1871, the Treaty of Frrankfurt was created, and King Wilhelm 1 was crowned Kaiser. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin conference was called due to confusion about borders, and which locations should be whose. Also, which places could be used in trade. The impact of the Berlin Conference, was that it divided the African Continent into 50 countries, and created the breaking up of political issues still in effect to this day. -
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Berlin Conference
Description stated above. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese war began due to the conflict over territories between Japan and Russia. In the end, the Russians were defeated. After the war, countries began to make peace with eachother, and U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt agreed to help the peace conference. This war had an outlasting impact on Russia. by showing their poor political system. -
Zulu Uprising
The Zulus were one of the largest groups in South Africa. In the 17th and 18th centuries, treaties were created that put the Zulu tribes under British control. The Zulus tried to fight the British, yet failed due to the fact that they were the lesser of the two groups. After a while. the Zulus were sick of British rule, and in 1879 a war broke out. There were multiple Zulu uprisings, the last being in 1906. The Zulus continued to fight to gain back their landand customs from the British. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
Dr. Sun Yat-sen wanted to restructure china on what he called "Three Principles of the People". These principles included nationalism, democracy, and security for the people's money, and jobs. He was later names president of the republic. Many years later, he wanted to establish his own government, and rule all of China. He joined a group of Chinese communists, yet still believed in his initial principals. His lead on the Nationalist party made a remarkable impact on history.