George Washington

By mah1801
  • born

    George Washington was born on his family estate just off the south bank of the Potomac River near the mouth of Pope's Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia, at approxamatly 10:00a.m. on February 22, 1732. His father was Augustine Washington (1694?-1743) a planter. His mother was Mary Ball Washington
  • Washington/ General Edwards Bradlock

    Washington/ General Edwards Bradlock
    It was the great war between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. In 1756 the war erupted into the world-wide conflict known as the Seven Years' War and thus came to be regarded as the North American theater of that war.
  • Married

    He met his lovely wife Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis. Martha Washington is considered to be the first First Lady of the United States. During her lifetime, she was known as "Lady Washington".
  • Chief of Continetal Army

    Chief of Continetal Army
    The American Continental Army was an army formed after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War by the colonies that became the United States of America. Established by a resolution of the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775, it was created to coordinate the military efforts of the Thirteen Colonies in their revolt against the rule of Great Britain.
  • Fist Continental Congress

    Fist Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from twelve of the thirteen North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774, at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that met beginning on May 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, soon after warfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun.
  • Elected President

    Elected President
    Washington won with a total of 69 out of 69 votes. The vote for Washington was unanimous among the Electoral College, those representatives the states elected to choose our president. For vice president, because he won the second highest number of electoral votes, John Adams was elected with a count of 34 out of 69 votes.
  • First President

    First President
    Taking office (Apr. 30, 1789) in New York City, Washington acted carefully and deliberately, aware of the need to build an executive structure that could accommodate future presidents. Hoping to prevent sectionalism from dividing the new nation, he toured the New England states (1789) and the South (1791).
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is the name by which the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known.[1] They were introduced by James Madison to the First United States Congress in 1789 as a series of legislative articles, and came into effect as Constitutional Amendments on December 15, 1791, through the process of ratification by three-fourths of the States.
  • Re-elected as President

    Re-elected as President
    The United States presidential election of 1792 was the second presidential election in the United States, and the first in which each of the original 13 states appointed electors (in addition to newly added states Kentucky and Vermont). It is also the only presidential election that was not held four years after the previous election.
  • Layed to rest

    This is a touching illustration showing George Washington on his death bed, surrounded by friends and family. On December 12, 1799, Washington spent several hours inspecting his property on horseback. The weather was bad, with snow, hail and freezing rain. He sat down to supper that evening without changing his wet clothes. The next morning, he awoke with a bad cold, fever and a throat infection that turned into acute laryngitis and pneumonia. Washington died on the evening of December 14, 1799,