European Exploration

By donasia
  • Jan 1, 1400

    New Trade Routes

    Europeans desided to start a trade route to Asia for good and to spread their religion. However the Italians started reselling the good to Europeans for higher prices which lead them to find a new trade route directly to Asia. Their new technology helped the them achieve their goal.
  • Jan 1, 1415

    Portugal Leads the Way

    Prince Henry took the lead in the oversea exploration. When Henry conquered the Muslim city of Ceuta in North America he found spices, gold, silver, and jewels. He also wanted to spread Christian faith.
  • Jan 1, 1419

    The Portuguese Explore Africa

    Prince Henry made a great discovery. He founded a navigation school to help with the exploration. Mapmakers, instrument makers, shipbuilders, scientists, and sea captians attented the school. A couple years later Portuguese started their exploration down the western coast of Africa.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    The Portuguese Explore Africa

    After Prince Henry's death the Portuguese founded a trading post along western coast of Africa's shores. At first the Portuguese traded with Africans for gold and ivory. Not long after that they began trading Africans for their captives which the Portuguese used as slaves. Eventually Portuguese decided to find a sea route to Asia.
  • Oct 1, 1492

    Spain Also Makes Claims

    Christopher Columbus wanted to find a route to Asia by sailing west of the Atlantic Ocean. After his exploration he had reached an island in the Caribbean which he was mistaken that he thought he reached the East Indies. Due to Columbus's voyage he started tension between Spain and Portugal. However problems we're solved when Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Portuguese Sailors Reach Asia

    Vasco da Gama reached India. Him and his crew were dumb founded by the spices, silks, and gems that were located in the shops of Calicut, India. They filled there ships and returned to Portugal. Due to their exploration they had given Portugal a direct sea route to India.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Portugals Trading Empire

    Portugal took over in complete control after they deafted a Muslim fleet. They eventually created a fort at Hormuz. Then they captured a port city on India's west coast and made it the capital of their trading empire. After that they seized the waterway which gave them control of the Moluccas. They eventually became known as the Spce Islands.
  • Other Nations Challenge the Portuguese

    The Dutch had the most ships in the world. The Dutch and English battled one another for the dominance of Asia. Eventually both countries formed an East India Company to make and direct trade throughout Asia.
  • Dutch Trade Outpost

    The Dutch eventually made their own trading headquarters at Batavia on the island of Java. Then they conquered both Malacca and Spice Island from Portugal.
  • British and French Traders

    Eventually France entered the Asia trade with its own East India Company. Due to attacks by the Dutch it struggled. Then the French established and outpost in India but it never showed much profit.
  • British and French Traders

    Europeans who continued to sail to find riches in China and Japan had little to no success in spreading Western culture.