Jan 1, 1275
For "God,Glory,and Gold"
Italian trader Marco Polo reached the court of Kublai Khan in China. The Europeans did not have interest in exploring foreign lands. The desire for new sources of wealth was the main reason for European Exploration. -
Jan 1, 1394
Henery The Navigator
Prince Henry didin't sail on any of his voyages that he sponsored.Prince Henry established school of the study of navigation. -
Jan 1, 1400
Technology Makes Exploration Possible
Shipbuilders designed a new vessels, the caravel. The caravel was sturdier than earlier vessels. Used to explore the West Africa along the Atlantic Ocean. -
Jan 1, 1415
Portugal Leads The Way
Portugal took the lead in overseas exploration in part to strong government support. Prince Henry helped conquer the Muslim city of Ceuta in North Africa. -
Jan 1, 1486
Bartholomeu Diaz
Bartholomeu and his crew became the first Porteguese sailors to reach the southern tip of Africa, but he turned around because his crew was unwilling to go any further. Diaz helped Vasco da Gama plan a voyage around Africa to India. -
Jan 1, 1492
The Treaty Of Tordesillas
Pedro Alvarez Cabral explored Brazil setting off a conflict between Spain and Portugal in terms of the newly claimed lands. The Treaty Of Tordesillas divided the world in half. -
Jan 1, 1493
Portgesuse Roles Of Early Exploration
Pope AlexandernVI declared that all lands west of Cape Verde Island should belong to Spain while new lands discovered east of that line would belong to Portugal. -
Jan 1, 1498
Vasco da Gama
Was the first to sail directly from Europe to India. This was important for Europe because it created a sea route from Europe that would allow trade with the far East instead of using the Silk Road Caravan Route. -
Jan 1, 1500
The Caravel
Europeans were limited to coastal cabotage navigation using the barge, ancient cargo vessels used in the Mediterranean of about 50 to 200 tons. It explore the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. -
Jan 1, 1501
Vesspuci and America
Amerigo Vesspuci sets sail from Lisbon in the service of the portegeuse King.Vesspuci reached the bay of Rio de Janeiro and continues on southwards to beyond the mouth of the river plate.