Scientist notes importance of rock layers
Danish-born scientist Nicolaus Steno recgonizes that sediments form new layers of rock on top of old layers. Therefore, digging down proves a way to move back in time. Scientists plan to build on Steno's dsicovery to determine the ages of fossils found in rock layers. -
New theory suggest naturalness of change
James Hutton of Scotland revolutionizes geology with his theory of uniformitarianism. He argues that volcanoes, erosion, and other forces shaped Earth's landscape slowly over a very long period and continue to do so. Hutton's ideas challenge the belief that the landscape is the result of sudden changes and one-time events. His theory leads to a better understanding of the vast ages of Earth and fossils. -
Siberian dsicovers frozen mammoth
Geologist identifies bones from extinct animal
Workers uncover bird fossil
Dinosaur eggs show link with birds
Microfossils cause sensation
Dinosaur heart surprises many
Researchers find earliest mammal