Paulo Paiakan, was probably born around 1954-1955. He has no record of his birth but due to his presumed age it is specualted that he was born around that time. -
Teenager and Education (1970's)
As a Teenager, Paiakan was sent to the Kayapo Village of Gorotire for Missionary School, where he met white men who were building The Trans-Amazonian Highway through the Jungle.
(The Multi cultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lanon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 116, Pargraph 3, Sentence 2) -
Moving Far Away (begining of 1980's?)
"Paiakan formed a splinter group of about 150 men, women and children who agreed to move farther away."
(The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Sentence 2, Pargraph 6) -
Kayapo Villages and Relentless Invasions (1980's)
"During the 1980's, most other Kayapo villages in the Amazon were severly affected by the relentless invasions"
(The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blandon & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Pargraph 8, Sentence 2) -
Belem and Civilization (1980's)
"He (Paiakan) went to Belem, the state capital, where he learned to live, dress, and act like a white man."
(The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 118, Pargraph 9, Sentence 1) -
Travel, 180 Miles and Four Days
In 1983, they (Paiakan and his people) traveled four days together, 180 miles downriver, and settled in Aukre.
(The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Sentence 4, Pargraph 6) -
Chico Mendes Dies
"In 1988, when the rubber tapper Chico Mendes was shot dead by ranchers for organizing grass-roots resistance to deforestation, it was feared that Paiakan himself might be a target"
(The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 118, Parpraph 10, Sentence 2) -
Speaking and Proposed Hydroelectric ( 1988's)
(Paiakan) ,He speaking out against a proposed hydroelectric dam in the rain forest,both Paiakan and Posey were charged with breaking a Brazilian law against "foreigner" criticizing the government.
(The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 119, Pargraph 12, Sentence 1) -
Paiakan Completed Negotiations for Aukre (1989's)
Paiakan, In that year, racing against time, completed negotiations for Aukre to make its own money while preserving the forest.
The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 119, Pargraph 9, Sentence 1) -
Paiakan Organized and Historic Gatehering in Altamira
Paiakan organized an historic gathering in Altamira, Brazil, that brougth together Indians and members of the environmental movement
(The Multicultural Workshop,A Reading & Writing Program,Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, pag 119, paragraf 14 sentence 1). -
The trucks were arriving
Trucks were arriving from the frontier to carry back loads of freshly cut timber.(The Multicultural Workshop,A Reading & Writing Program,Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, pag 119, paragraf 21 sentence 7).