Chief paiakan

The Life of Chief Paiakan

By lauzud
  • Birth?

    Paulo Paiakan, was probably born around 1954-1955. He has no record of his birth but due to his presumed age it is specualted that he was born around that time.
  • Teenager and Education (1970's)

    Teenager and Education (1970's)
    As a Teenager, Paiakan was sent to the Kayapo Village of Gorotire for Missionary School, where he met white men who were building The Trans-Amazonian Highway through the Jungle.
    (The Multi cultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lanon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 116, Pargraph 3, Sentence 2)
  • Moving Far Away (begining of 1980's?)

    Moving Far Away (begining of 1980's?)
    "Paiakan formed a splinter group of about 150 men, women and children who agreed to move farther away."
    (The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Sentence 2, Pargraph 6)
  • Kayapo Villages and Relentless Invasions (1980's)

    Kayapo Villages and Relentless Invasions (1980's)
    "During the 1980's, most other Kayapo villages in the Amazon were severly affected by the relentless invasions"
    (The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blandon & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Pargraph 8, Sentence 2)
  • Belem and Civilization (1980's)

    Belem and Civilization (1980's)
    "He (Paiakan) went to Belem, the state capital, where he learned to live, dress, and act like a white man."
    (The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 118, Pargraph 9, Sentence 1)
  • Travel, 180 Miles and Four Days

    Travel, 180 Miles and Four Days
    In 1983, they (Paiakan and his people) traveled four days together, 180 miles downriver, and settled in Aukre.
    (The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 117, Sentence 4, Pargraph 6)
  • Chico Mendes Dies

    Chico Mendes Dies
    "In 1988, when the rubber tapper Chico Mendes was shot dead by ranchers for organizing grass-roots resistance to deforestation, it was feared that Paiakan himself might be a target"
    (The Multicultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, "I Fight For Our Future" Pg, 118, Parpraph 10, Sentence 2)
  • Speaking and Proposed Hydroelectric ( 1988's)

    Speaking and Proposed Hydroelectric ( 1988's)
    (Paiakan) ,He speaking out against a proposed hydroelectric dam in the rain forest,both Paiakan and Posey were charged with breaking a Brazilian law against "foreigner" criticizing the government.
    (The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 119, Pargraph 12, Sentence 1)
  • Paiakan Completed Negotiations for Aukre (1989's)

    Paiakan Completed Negotiations for Aukre (1989's)
    Paiakan, In that year, racing against time, completed negotiations for Aukre to make its own money while preserving the forest.
    The Mulitcultural Workshop; A reading & writing program by Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, Book 3, Pg, 119, Pargraph 9, Sentence 1)
  • Paiakan Organized and Historic Gatehering in Altamira

    Paiakan Organized and Historic Gatehering in Altamira
    Paiakan organized an historic gathering in Altamira, Brazil, that brougth together Indians and members of the environmental movement
    (The Multicultural Workshop,A Reading & Writing Program,Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, pag 119, paragraf 14 sentence 1).
  • The trucks were arriving

    The trucks were arriving
    Trucks were arriving from the frontier to carry back loads of freshly cut timber.(The Multicultural Workshop,A Reading & Writing Program,Linda Lonon Blanton & Linda Lee, pag 119, paragraf 21 sentence 7).