Tuscarora Expeditions
The Commander of this expedition was George Bleknap.
The use of the Thomas Sounding Machine on a telegraph cable to survey the Pacific ocean was kmown on this expedition.
They discovered June De Fuca Ridge, an indication of seamounts. -
Period: to
Explorations Since the Challenger
The Blake Expedition
Commander: Charles D. Sigsbee
The commander designed a sounding machie, it was used to detect sounds below the surface of the ocean
It was located in the Gulf Of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
This ship was the first to be fitted with a stell rope for uses at sea. -
The Gettyburg Expedition
Commander- H.H. Gorringe
The ships crew discovered the undersea mountain on the west coast of portugal.
The crew used the Thomas Sounding Machine for deep sea sounding. -
The Albatross Expedition
This expedition was run on a U.S. Fisheries Commission Steamer.
It was commanded by Alexander Agassiz
It was one of the first government purposed research expedition -
Submarine Signlal Cooperation
Commander- Reginal Fessenden
The Fessenden Oscillator was used to reflect signals off of an iceberg and off the bottom of the boat. -
USS Stewert Expedition
Ran by French, no specific Commander givien
The crew used an acoustic eco sounder discovered by Harvey Hayes -
The Guide Expedition
This expedition was very well known due to the use of the Hayes Sounding Instrument. -
Meteor Expedition
German Expedition -
Sucba Systems
Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gaynan were crew mates of the ship and were known for perfecting the Automatic Compressed air Aqualung -
Alvin Expedition
Operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
The first deep sea submarine that as able to carry passengers.