Shoes falling from the sky
Stanley found pair of shoes that he thought fell from the sky. He got arrested because the shoes belong from a famous baseball player. He went to camp green lake for punishment. Image URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9498054@N07/3539960824/sizes/s/in/photostream/ -
Stanley Captured
Stanley got got aressted because of his great great grandfather and he has to go to jail or to camp. Photo credit:
URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=handcuffs&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=662&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=88PlR6fxnhMuZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.onlinecasinos.org/casino-news/employee-guilty-of-embezzling-for-gambling-habit/istockphoto-slc-minilypse-judicial-court-2&imgurl=http://www.onlinecasinos.org/casino-news/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/handcuffs_41.jpg&zoom=1&w=327&h=303 -
Introducing the characters in Camp Green Lake
Stanley is in camp green lake and he is in group-D. All the people in group-D have nstanleyicknames. In group-D is armpit, x-ray, magnet, squid, Zero and Stanley. There are more people still not introduced in group-D (because I'm still reading) but the other characters in camp green lake is the warden (still not introduced in the story), Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=holes&um=1&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=663&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=S-M1fiJF2ymG8M:&imgrefurl=http: -
Everyone in Camp green lake has a nickname. So is Stanley! Stanley's nickname that other people call him his Caveman. His nickname shows that he was accepted in the group or they respect him. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=caveman&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=663&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=JTRwU5YVXBmeaM:&imgrefurl=http://thefaust.wordpress.com/2008/02/12/forget-democrats-vs-republicansthis-is-way-more-important/&imgurl=http://thefaust.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/caveman.jpg&zoom=1&w=396& -
Digging holes
Stanley is at camp green lake and he has to dig one hole everyday. The hole must be 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=digging+holes&hl=en&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=JBrAx6S6_US8IM:&imgrefurl=http://doubletakecomics.com/blogs/%3Ftag%3Dholes&imgurl=http://doubletakecomics.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/roll-375-14.jpg&zoom=1&w=640&h=480&iact=hc&ei=pzfzTOP-FpH5cZjGrcgK&oei=aTfzTOOUNoPyvwO43-yMCg&esq=15&page=2&tbnh=153&tbnw=201&start=18&ndsp=18&ved= -
The curse That caused everything
Elya was cursed by Madame Zeroni because he forgot to bring Madame Zeroni -
Zero is a character in the holes book. They said that Zero is empty minded and Zero has nothing in his head. Zero was the first person to finish his hole that day and he finished the hole before Stanley did. -
Stanley found a fossil!
Stanley found a fish fossil while he was digging his second hole. He showed the fossil to Mr. Pendanski and he said that it was interesting. If he find anything and the warden likes it then Stanley gets the day off but Mr. Pendanski says the warden is not interested in fossils so Stanley doesnt get a day off. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=fish+fossil&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1408&bih=662&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=e5YZRwVC0D62rM:&imgrefurl=http://lovingthebigisland.wordpress.com/2009/06/21/ -
Stanley found another object!
Stanley found something else and this time it's not a fossil! Will he get a day off or will he give it to x-ray because Stanley promiseed if he finds anything, he has to give it to x-ray. The object he found looked like a gold tube with a K B on it. URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=golden+tube&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=662&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=SChbK_JicwGTYM:&imgrefurl=http://www.essel-deutschland.de/pages-en/aktuell_view.php%253Fid%253D19&imgurl=http://www.essel-deutschland.de/private/bi -
The Warden is a Women?
Stanley gave X-ray his gold tube that he found. Then the warden likes the gold tube and the Warden gave X-ray a day off. When the Warden stepped out of the truck, the Warden is a Women! Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=warden+in+holes&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=663&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=4kppqqoUmrm6TM:&imgrefurl=http://www.ultimatedisney.com/holes.html&imgurl=http://www.ultimatedisney.com/images/h-k/holes7.jpg&zoom=1&w=320 -
Dig twice as fast
After X-ray gave the warden his gold tube, the Warden told the diggers to dig faster so the diggers work together like Zero is working with Stanley while Zigzag is working for squid. -
Squid is Crying!?
While Stanley was sleeping, a noise awakneded him. He thought it was an animal noise, but it was Squid crying! I wonder why he is crying or maybe Squid's life is related to Stanley's sad life. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=person+crying&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=657&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=X1fCOGfSdj-NgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.funcoolavatars.com/search.html%253Fkeywords%253Dwolf-crying-sunset-sunrise&imgurl=http://www.funcoolavatars.com/avatars/Various/Person-crying.gif&zoom=1&w=98&h= -
Stolen Sunflower seeds
Magnet stole a bag of sunflower seeds from Mr.Sir! Everyone was eating the sunflowers seeds exepct for zero and Caveman. They passed to Cave,man but it was accidently thrown on one of the holes and Mr. Sir came back and he caught Stanley but he wasn't sure if Stanley stole them. Image URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=sunflower+seeds&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1408&bih=657&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=UxX--ZH9UaZstM:&imgrefurl=http://www.thelongestlife.com/Pages/Superfoods/SunflowerSeeds.html&imgurl=http: -
Mr. Sir got stabbed by the Warden!
After Mr.Sir brought Caveman to the Warden Mr.Sir told the Warden that Caveman stole his bag of sun flower seeds but Mr. Sir got stabbed by the Warden's sharp fingernails that has polish that is rattlesnake venom! URL: http://www.google.co.th/imglanding?q=mr.+sir+dead+from+holes&um=1&hl=en&biw=1408&bih=657&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=eq8AghqkDA5thM:&imgrefurl=http://singingthesky.com/writing/category/the-teaching/page/4/&imgurl=http://singingthesky.com/writing/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/mrsir.jpg&zoom=1&w