
A Rose For Emily

  • Emily's Father Dies

    Emily's Father Dies
    The One Who Created "Rose For Emily" "THE" WILLIAM FAULKNER !When Emily's father died, Emily was in her 30's and her life was just not the same without her fathers love.
  • The Smell

    The Smell
    The men put lime around Emily's house to get rid of the horrible smell.
  • Homer Barron shows up in town

    The machinery foreman Homer Barron arrives in town.
  • Emily purchases Arsenic

    Emily purchases Arsenic
    Emily thought it would be a good idea to buy a deadily posion for some odd reason.
  • China Painting

    China Painting
    Emily Grierson decides to start making china paintings so she could make a couple extra bucks.
  • Emily Grierson takes china painting lessons

    Emily Grierson takes china painting lessons
    Emily wanted to start painting china paintings so she thought it would be a good idea to take lessons so she could learn and increase her skill at painting china paintings.
  • Remitted Taxes

    Remitted Taxes
    In 1894 Emily got her taxes remitted.
  • Emily slips poison in Homer Barron's food

    Emily thought slipping poison in Homer's food would kill him and she also thought that killing him would make it better so she could keep him to herself.
  • Homer's skeleton is found

    Homer's skeleton is found
    Neighbors find Homer Barron's skeleton in Emily's room.
  • Taxes or Death

    Taxes or Death
    The tax collectors tryed to collect Emily's taxes once again.
  • Emily Grierson Dies

    Emily Grierson Dies
    In loving memory of Emily Grierson. When Emily dies at the age of 74, the whole town shows up at her funeral to show respect.
  • Grey Hair On Pillow!

    Grey Hair On Pillow!
    The police or investegator notice that there is a grey hair left behind on Emily's pillow,