Prohibition Begins
In the early 19th Century, many people, mostly women, started blaming alcohol for most of societie's problems. They wanted to make society better, therefor creating many organizations to try to fight against the consumption of alcohol. By the early 20th Century, many states had already banned alcohol. The 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919 and exactly one year later, on January 16, 1920, the Amendment took effect, banning the consumption, sell, and production of alcohol. -
Teapot Dome Scandal
The "Teapot Scandal" took place during the presidency of Warren G. Harding and consisted of unprecedented bribery scandal and deep investigations of the president. The Teapot Dome was in fact an oil field on U.S. public land In Wyoming, It got it's name from the teapot shape that it bore. Set aside By President Taft previously for the U.S. Navy, control of the land, by order of President Harding, was turned over to the Department of Interior, spurring great investigations of the president. -
President Coolidge is Elected
Born on July 4th 1872, John Calvin Coolidge jr was elected the 30the Vice President in 1923 and upon the sudden death of President of the United States in Warren G. Harding. He was elected to presidency in his own right in 1924. He had previously been a Republican lawyer and worked his way up to being Governer of Vermont. Coolidge worked to restore public confidencein the White House after rumors about his predassessors administration. He left his place in office with great popularity. -
The Spirit of St. Louis
On May 20, 1927, Charles Lindgergh took off on the first ever transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. At 7:52 AM he started his flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He landed In Paris on May 21, 1927 at 5:22 PM. -
President Hoover is Elected
Herbert Clark Hoover was the 31st president of the United States, elected March 4t 1929. His "economic modernization" promoted government intervention. Coming from such a sparse background in experience, he was a self taught man and gained presidency with no elected office experience. He was the last cabinet member and one of only 2 other presidents to be elected without previous experience or high military rank.Less then 8 months after his election the wall street market crashed. -
Black Tuesday
On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed. Stocks lost 13% of their value. When people started panicking, they traded nearly 16 million shares on the New Your Stock Exchange. This was close to four times the regular trade amount. From the previous Thursday to Black Tuesday, over 30 million shares traded with at least a $26 billion value. Stocks continued to fall through mid-November in 1929. -
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
This act was signed by President Hoover against US will. This act was suppose to help out the farmers, but backfired. It put more taxes on the farmers and cause a sharp decline in foreign trade as well. -
Beginning of the Dust Bowl
The "Dust Bowl' was a trying trime for families living in drought stricken regions during the great depression. This hardship forced farmers to leanr new techniques in farming and fostered a whole new era in soil conservation and taught farmers a valuable lesson, how to care for the land. Lasting about a decade, these families experienced a wide range of weather phenomenon including drouhgt, heavy rain, blizzards and "snuster" which was a combination of snow and dust. -
Bonus Army March
The Bonus Army was a compilation of approximately 43,000 marcher ,including war ves and their families, who were marching against Washington in demand of cahs payments on their Service certifecates. The peoblem was these certificates could not be colected on due to the fact that they did not mature until 1945. Each certificate bore a face value to the amount the soldiers were promised plus a compuind interest payment. Many of these vets had been out of work and wanted the money promised them. -
President Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected
On March 4th, 1933, Franklin won the election for President of the USA. -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
TVA was a major part of Roosevel's New Deal plan. He wanted it to help with replanting, food issues, and agricultural/industrial developement by pulling Tennessee out of poverty. He hoped for this to set as an example for the rest of the country. -
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
The WPA was the largest agency of the New Deal. It employed millions to do public works projects such as building homes and roads as well as carrying out large art progects which included media, literature, and drama. It helped clothe, feed, and house families and children. Almost every community in the US had something, such as a building or park, constructed by the WPA. -
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Roosevelt created the CCC as part of his New Deal plan. One of the main purposes was to conserve the natural resourses such as trees. Men planted a guesstamated 3billion trees between 1933 and 1942. Another main purpose was to provide jobs and help pull society out of the Great Depression. -
The FDIC was created as part of the Banking Act of 1933 and is still being used today. It was made to help people learn to trust the banks again. It provided assurence of their deposits and promises to keep things like Black Tuesday and The Great Depression from happening ever again. -
Prohibition Ends
Prohibition In America began exactly one year after the ratification of the 18th amendment to the constitution on January 16, 1920 and ended with the ratification of the 21st amendment on December 5th 1933. It was reffered to as "a noble experiment" but is still contoversial. -
Social Security Act
On August 14th 1935 Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security act. This was probably one of the most momentous legislative accomplishments in U.S. history. This bill came to be in the throes of the great depression and generated many programs to aid numerous Americans. The title came from social insurance program which was groundbreaking and provided income for retired workers ages 65 and older. -
End of the Dust Bowl
Most historians point to the fall of 1939 as the end of the "Dust Bowl". This manmade disaster was brought on by the plowing of virgin soil wihich in turn cause the death of much needed grassland, no grass meant that the soil could not retain the moisture needed. Dry soil became sandy and easily blew away causing dust storms and mass drought. The fall of 1939 brought much rain and the relief the land needed to refurbish itself. This drought taught farmers how to properly care for the land . -
Beginning of WW2
Beginning on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. They continued to expand, causing all of the Great Powers to get pulled in and involved as well. With the production and sales of millitary weapons, the US economy skyrocketed. The US became the top military power because they didn't have to deal with the distruction of the war. This ultamitly pulled the US out of the Great Depression.