Prohibition begins
Prohibition was the 18th amendment to the constitution. It prohibited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol. -
Teapot dome scandal
The Teapot Dome Scandal arose because two members of Harding's cabenet were acused of leasing government oil fields to private interests. -
President Coolidge is elected
President Calvin Coolidge was elected in 1923. The country had hit a high point during his administraion. America's income was growing and wages were high. Soon after he left office, the country's prosperity ended with the stock market crash of 1929. -
The spirit of Saint Louis starts its flight
The spirit of Saint Louis, piloted by Charles Lindbergh, took off in Roosevelt field New York and landed in Le Bourget Field near Paris. It was the first flight across the Atlantic. -
Spirit of Saint Louis ends its flight
Charles Linbergh landed the spirit of Saint Louis at Le bourget field near Paris. He had flown 3,600 miles in 33 1/2 hours. -
President Hoover is elected
Herbert Clark Hoover won the race for presidencey by a land slide. He was known to the American people as a good business man and was expected to keep government out of business. Soon after he was elected, the United states went into a depression. Hoover ran for re-election but lost to Roosevelt. -
Black Tuesday
Black tuseday is the name for the day that the stock market crashed. In the 1920's, many had invested in the stock market. When it crashed, people lost the money they invested, and some people even lost their life savings. -
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act imposed high tariffs on other countrys, the other countrys did the same, resulting with the U.S. foreign trade suffering a sharp decline. This was one of the main reasons for the depression. -
Period: to
Dust bowl years
Due to poor farming methods and the grazing of animals, vegatation in the great plains became scarce, leaving the soil to be blown by the wind. Huge winds caused by cold fronts threw the dust into the air and created wind dust storms that kept families trapted in their houses for months. -
Bonus Army March
In 1932, a huge group of army veterans went to Washington and demanded that they recieve the bonus that congress had promised them. They became known as "The Bonus Army". -
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president of the United States for 16 years. President Roosevelt led the United States through the great depression as well as WWII. He believed that it was the duty of the government to raise the living standards of the "ill fed". Under his his administration, unemployment compensation and social security were established. -
Tennesee Vally Authority Act
The Tennesee Vally Authority Act was created by congress in 1933 to develope the resources of the Tennesee Vally. Dams were built to prevent floods and create electric power, forests were planted, and forests that were already existing were to be saved. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was an agency that hired unemployed men for public work. The CCC conserved natural resources by building dams, fighting forest fires, and planting trees. It was abolished by congress in 1942. -
The federal deposite insurance corporation is a federal agency that was created by the bank act of 1933 and insured bank deposites. Deposite insurance was created by the government to make people more confident in banks. -
Prohibition ends
Prohibition was ended by the 21st amendment in 1933. This allowed the states to control how the alcohol was soled. The end of prohibition also ended bootlegging and rum running. -
Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration (WPA) was founded in 1935 to give work to needy people by spending money to build highways, reforest woods. -
Social Security Act
The Social Security Act of 1935 started the country on a program of social security for the people. Meaning that the government would save a percentage of the money the people make, and save it for you for when you retire. -
The begining of WWII
WWII was a world wide conflict between the Allied and the Axis powers. World War Two jump started the American economy that was currently in a depression. The need for weapon's during world war two provided jobs and brought in new money that was greatly needed.