Period: to
The Events Leading to the Civil War
The Publication of Uncle Toms Cabin
An Anti-Slavery Novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Used to get Aboltioist support and reveal the evils of slavery,Stowe was an active abolitoinst and wantedd to spread her ideas, In turn the book became the second most popular book of the time under the bible she sread idea to thousands of people who under her influnce began to dislike slavery. This book created tensions between north and south and the book was often banned in the south -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Act that created Kansas and Nebraska as territories ad nullified the missouri comprmes and allowed popular soiverngty, the act was clearly in favor of the south,created by a souther democrat (douglas) to keep the south intrests in mind, much turmoil over poular soivernty and slavery came from this act, whch even lead to violence. The Favoritism towards the south and democrats lead to the strnwghtening of the repubians who wer against democratic policys,which split the north and south. -
Bleeding Kansas
Violent events based around wether kansas would become a free or slave state, This showed the upset between the north and south and that they were willing to use violence to solve their problems, in kansas there was popular soivergnty and there was many disputes about its free or slave status, which turned ugly,the violent acts nullified the kansas nebraska act. This violence strengthened the tension and dislik betwen the north and south -
The Succesion of South Carolina
South Carolina succed from the union, Due to the differing views of SC citizens on slavery and states rights they decide to leave the union,Once south carolina succede a donio effect happened, ther southern states with opposing views joined Sc to form the confederacy Cleaarly this actually split the north and the south! -
Election of 1860
Election in which abraham lincon won without any votes from southern states,his party (republicans ignored the issues and happenings of the south, pretty much distinctivly dividing them,his stanve on slavery and states rights helped hi gain favor in the north,The south highly disliked lincoln because he is the first northen president whom no southern oter for, in all he did not represent the south