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Thomas Hobbes !
He believed that religion should be separate from politics government should be based on fact! -
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John Locke !
Believed that all people were born good and had natural rights by god social freedom ! -
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Baron Montesquieu !
He want government to be broken into Different section make laws interpret laws enforce the laws separation of laws! -
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Benjamin Fraklin !
Single legislatore advisory board they would also work 4 the government and slavery WAS A BIG NO NO!!!! -
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Jean -Jacques Rousseau!!
He Believe that individuals should have certain rights! -
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Adamn Smith !
Individual freedom modern econmics ! -
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Cesare Beccaria
Didn't believe in cruel and unsual punishiment fair and speedy trials same crime same punshiment. -
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Thomas Jefferson !
Education for all mayjority of people good choices and government should not have much power ! -
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Father Hidalgo !
Freeing Mexico Marched thru streets of mexico ! -
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He felt that all things must be explained logically and reasonable.Fought against intolerance ! -
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Mary Wollestonecraft!
Rights Pepople judge individually! -
Seven Years’ War Peace Treaty between Great Britain and France
Stamp Act passed by British ParliamentStamp Act passed by British Parliament
Repeal of Stamp Act
Traming and Freathing
Started in the Middle ages became a poplular punishment in the colonies in the 1760's used to intimidate British supporters. -
Townsend Act, new revenue taxes on North American colonists
Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops
Boston Massacare
While being harassed colonies British soliders fired on and kiled 5 colonies. (Black mann) killed ! -
The Gaspee
British ship going after people that smuggled ran a ground that was set on fire Colonies very crazy people! -
Commitees Of Correspondece
Commities sent out information to colonies about current events which involed Britsh and there treatment of colonies ! -
Tea act
Didn't raise taxes and would have been cheaper tea for colonies but rev leaders thought the Britsh were just trying to buy people's support. -
Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
American and French representatives sign two treaties in Paris: a Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a Treaty of Alliance.
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simon Bolivar !
strong Central gov'nt political power should be deliverened among diff braches of gon'nt ! -
French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint
Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America
Estates General convened for the first time in 174 years in France 1789 Storming of the Bastille, prison (and armory) in Paris
National Constituent Assembly and French Declaration of the Rights of Man
Beheading of King Louis XVI (FR)
Slave rebellion in Saint Domingue (Haiti)
U.S. Bill of Rights ratified by states
France declares war on Austria
French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue. (FR/ Haiti)
France declares war on Great Britain (BR/FR)
All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British
Toussaint leads troops against the British
French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint
Toussaint negotiates peace with the British
Toussaint negotiates peace with the British
War ends between Great Britain and France
Constitution for
General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery
New declaration of war between Great Britain and France
French withdraw troops; Haitians declare independence
Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
1804 Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti
British end the slave trade
French expelled from Spain. (FR)
1815 Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone (FR)
French abolish slave trade