The Sugar Act
The Sugar act was a time were every thing that was sweet like suger mollases tax on those iteams skyrocketed -
The Stamp Act
Was the frist direct tax on Americas colonist -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was when there were men who didn't want to do something that the British soldiers said for them to do so they shoot 5 guys. -
The Boston Tea Party
Angry about high taxes the American colonist went on one of King Georges ships and dumped all the tea into the ocean -
The frist Contiental Congress
The frist continatel congress started on September 5 1774 through October 6 1774 when two groups of people came from each of the 13 colonies to discuss liberty -
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
What happen was when the British were marching to concord and somebody shot a gun witch started the war. Nobody knows who shoot the frist shoot to start the war -
Revolutionary war begins
The revvolutionary War started off when The 13 Colonies wanted independence from The British -
Paul Revers Famous ride
Paul Revere rode of into the land yelling at the America Army that the British were coming. -
George Washington under Comand
George Washington is Named comander and cheif -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
Was a majior battle in the revolutionary war and was fought on Breed's hill -
The British Evacuate Boston -
America gains independence
America finally gain independence from British -
The Decrelaration Of Independence was adopted -
The Decleration Of Independencs was finally signed -
Battle Of Princton
Was a victory that George Washington led the Americans to a victory. -
Vally Froge
It was a cold hard winter during this time -
Battle of Barren Hill
Was one of the only battles with no or little combat witch had to do with a church. -
Benedict Arnold
Won so many battles for America and then went to the enems side -
The Battle Of Yorktown
The battle of yorktown was when the U.S. teamed up with the French and made the British surrender -
Trety Of Paris
The trety of Paris finally led to the end of the war