Beginning of the first part of the campaign
This part of the campaign will last for two weeks and is composed of1. a website broadcasting the short version of the advertisement2. posters displayed on billboards only announcing the short term arrival of the brand in Japan. The logo is not used and no indications of the Ben&Jerry's brand can be seen on this advertisement. The only hint referring to the brand are the font and the colours used in the 'We are coming!' message.
QCR code are printed on posters linking to the website. -
Period: to
First period
Premiere of the movie "Rango"
At the occasion of the premiere of the animated movie "Rango" with Johnny Depp in Tokyo the full version of the video advertisement is broadcasted on big screen. This premiere is planned at 2:00pm. -
Press Conference
The press conference takes place after the premiere of "Rango" at 7:00pm. It officializes the entrance of Ben&Jerry's in the Japanese premium ice cream market. Journalists from every important newspapers and magazines are invited.The "Rango-Mango" flavour, specially developed for the event is announced. The two co-founders of Ben&Jerry's make the speech giving all the details of their entrance (special flavour, opening of scoop shops, availability in selected distributors and cinemas) -
Second part of the advertising campaign
At this time, the launch day is one week ahead. The full version of the video advertisement is first broadcasted on the official website of the event. The billboards posters are also updated.
The video advertisement is broadcasted on metro flat screens, in cinemas while the poster is printed in freely distributed newspapers.
Finally, the website includes a registration form for a limited-time contest. This contest gives the opportunity to win an invitation to the pre-launch party event. -
Period: to
Second period
Launch of the official campaign -
Pre-launch party
This party takes place two days before the official launch day. Will be invited: Ben and Jerry, co-founders of the company, every people having worked on the campaign, officials from Tokyo city, Japanese celebrities as well as well as winners of the contest launch on the 7th of March.
The press will be there to cover the event. -
Official launch day
This day coincides with the "white day", the quivalent of "Valentine's day" in the rest of the world.
Official launch day celebrating the availability of Ben&Jerry's ice cream in company scoop shops and supermarket. This day is also the occasion of the first 'free ice cream' day in Japan with Cowmobiles spread across the city's centre.