
The Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    The Scientific Revolution Timespan

    Some of the key events and outcomes of the Scientific revolution all organized onto a timeline
  • Jan 1, 1522

    First Circumnaviation of The Earth Completed

    First Circumnaviation of The Earth Completed
    Ferdinand Magellan and his expedition were the first to complete one Circumnaviation of the Earth to reach the Spice Islands by going west. Ferdinand did not make the whole voyage himself because he was killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Phillipines. However, his expidition continued onwards even after losing their leader and completed their voyage. Out of around 237 men who disembarked on the harsh voyage only 18 were able to return.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    On the Fabric of the Human Body Book 1 is published

    On the Fabric of the Human Body Book 1 is published
    Andreas Vesalius published "On the Fabric of the Human Body Book 1" in the year 1543. The book was one of the most infulential books on human anatomy and was the other half for the cause of the Scientific Revolution. It was also one of the first books with fine details about the anatomy of the human body. This was only one of seven other books that Andreas Vesalius wrote about the human body.
  • May 25, 1543

    The Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres is published.

    The Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres is published.
    Nicolaus Copernicus's finishes writting De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (The Revolution of Heavenly Spheres) a book he wrote on anatomy that changed the perspective of many people. His book is one of the main causes for the start of the Scientific Revolution. The Heliocentric Theory became more popular and well known during its release. However, he died on May 24,1543, one day before his book was published, but his book was still printed and distributed, spreading knowledge to many people.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei was born

    Galileo Galilei was born
    Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy. He was the first of six children of his mother Vincenzo Galilei. This was the birth of person now known as "The Father of Modern Science"
  • Galileo invents the first pump

    Galileo invents the first pump
    Galileo was given a problem in which involved the placement os oars in a galley. He thought of the oars as the lever and the water as the fulcrum. About one year later he created an early version of a pump that allowed him to raise water levels and was powered by a single horse.
  • William Gilbert publishes On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth

    William Gilbert publishes  On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on the Great Magnet the Earth
    Gilbert publishes one of the first and best books on magnetism inspring many to even go beyond what he has discovered. Using his experimental model called the terrella, he was able to find out that the Earth was actually magnetic and that was the reason why compasses pointed to the North Pole. Johannes Kepler used Gilberts laws and came up with his Laws of Planetary Motion.
  • Telescope is invented and introduced to astronomers

    Telescope is invented and introduced to astronomers
    The telescope (Invented by Hans Lippershey of Holland) was introduced to the astronomy world via Galileo who later was the first to see craters on the moon. Sir Issac Newton came up with an even better version of the telescope in 1704 where instead of using glass he used mirriors to help magnification of the scope. The invention of the telescope expanded astronomers exploration of the stars and knowledge.
  • Trial of Galileo

    Trial of Galileo
    Galileo was put on trial in Rome by the Inquisition for publishing blashphemous ideas that not everything rovolved around the Earth. Nicholas Copernicus was actually the first one to publish the same idea, but he lacked observational data that Galileo had aquired via telescope. They made him recant and withdrawal his ideas and theories or else he would get a life sentence in prison. Galileo did recant but he was still placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.
  • Sir Issac Newton is born

    Sir Issac Newton is born
    Issac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe Manor, which is located somewhere in England. His father was a prosperous farmer but died 3 months before his birth. His mother Hannah Ayscough prematurely gave birth to Issac making him undersized and small. She then remarried and left her baby behind with her maternal grandmother Margery Ayscough.
  • Sir Issac Newton publishes his Laws of Motion

    Sir Issac Newton publishes his Laws of Motion
    Issac Newton publishes his now famous Three Laws of Motion. The first law states that an object will remain at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Second is that acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass the greater the force must be to accelerate it. Finaly his last law, for every action force their is an opposite reaction force. These laws helped revolutionize the way inventers and scientist think.