
  • Period: to

    Thomas Hobbs

    seperating religion from politics
    seperating knowledge from faith
    seperating church from state
  • Period: to

    John Locker

    natural rights
    king should be limit
    freedom of religion
    government did uphold the people can revolt
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
  • Period: to

    Baron de Montesqueu

    Wanted the government shoudl be broken down into different sections should have different powers to limit each other
  • Period: to


    thought things should e explain logically and reasonabley
    freeom of thought and respect religion is too powerful and defended inviduals who suffered from religion
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Franklin

    one house didnt think people in charge should not be paid slavery was wrong
  • Period: to

    Jean Jacques Rousseau

    against absulate power or church and government
    all induvilals should emitional explore life
  • Period: to

    adam smith

    self interest most efficient use resources
  • Period: to

    Cesare Beccaria

    education reduce crime rate
    he wanted to make sure criminals had some rights
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Dindt want government to have power
  • Period: to

    Fatehr Hidalgo

    fought for mexicos indpendence
    had thoughts against his own church
  • Period: to

    Mary Wollstonecraft

    fought for the rights of women for equal for all and equal property for all
  • Seven Years of War Peace Treaty Between England and France

    Seven Years of War Peace Treaty Between England and France
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This bill required that Colonial Authorities to furnish barracks and supplies to British troops. In 1766, it was expanded to public houses and unoccupied buildings, and was updated again June 2, 1774, to include occupied buildings
  • Stamp Act passed By England Parliament

    Stamp Act passed By England Parliament
  • Tar and Feathering

    Tar and Feathering
    Colonist used this method to scare brittish and loyist
  • Repeal of Stamp act

    Repeal of Stamp act
  • Townsend Act New revenue taxes on North America Colonist

    Townsend Act New revenue taxes on North America Colonist
  • Boston Masscre

    Boston Masscre
    roit in boston leaves five boston people died from brittish army
  • Riots in Boston met with violence by British Troops

    Riots in Boston met with violence by British Troops
  • Gaspee incidnet

    Gaspee incidnet
    a group of men of wealthy merchants boarded a ship of England navy that was run aground and set it on fire and hurt the officer of the ship
  • Tea A ct

    Tea A ct
    Tax on tea that the colonist did not want final straw on the war
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
  • Administration of Justice Act

    Administration of Justice Act
    This bill stated that British Officials could not be tried in provincial courts for capital crimes. They would be extradited back to Britain and tried there. This effectively gave the British free reign to do whatever they wished, because no justice would be served while they were still in the colonies.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    Massachusetts Government Act
    This bill effectively annulled the charter of the colonies, giving the British Governor complete control of the town meetings, and taking control out of the hands of the colonialists.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Established May 20, 1774 This bill extended the Canadian borders to cut off The western colonies of Conn. Mass. and Va.
  • Boston Port Bill

    Boston Port Bill
    This bill closed the port of Boston to all colonists until, the damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid for.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia's Carpenters Hall
  • Paul Reverve

    Paul Reverve
    Paul Reverve was sent to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that British troops were sent to arrest them
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    First shots of the war at Lexington and the brittish were there to destroy ammuntion and arrest john hancock and sam adams
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The second congress wrote the Olive Branch trying to plead with England
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    Thomas Pain wrote a paper bad mouthing England saying we need indpence
  • Declaration of Indpedence

    Declaration of Indpedence
    Declaring indpedence from England and gives power to the people
  • American and French representation sign two treaties in a Paris Treaty ofAmity and Commerce and Treaty of Alliance

    American and French representation sign two treaties in a Paris Treaty ofAmity and Commerce and Treaty of Alliance
  • Period: to

    Simon Blivar

    political power should be derived from branches peoole shouldnt vote nless edbcated
  • Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America (US)

    Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America (US)
  • Beheading of King Louis XVI (FR)

    Beheading of King Louis XVI (FR)
  • Slave rebellion in Saint Domingue (Haiti)

    Slave rebellion in Saint Domingue (Haiti)
  • U.S. Bill of Rights ratified by states (US)

    U.S. Bill of Rights ratified by states (US)
  • French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue. (FR/ Haiti)

    French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue. (FR/ Haiti)
  • France declares war on Austria (FR)

    France declares war on Austria (FR)
  • France declares war on Great Britain (BR/FR)

    France declares war on Great Britain (BR/FR)
  • All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British (Haiti)

    All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British (Haiti)
  • Toussaint leads troops against the British (Haiti)

    Toussaint leads troops against the British (Haiti)
  • French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint (Haiti)

    French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint (Haiti)
  • French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint (Haiti)

    French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint (Haiti)
  • Toussaint negotiates peace with the British (Haiti)

    Toussaint negotiates peace with the British (Haiti)
  • Toussaint negotiates peace with the British (Haiti)

    Toussaint negotiates peace with the British (Haiti)
  • War ends between Great Britain and France (BR/FR)

    War ends between Great Britain and France (BR/FR)
  • Constitution for Haiti

  • General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery (FR)

    General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery (FR)
  • French withdraw troops; Haitians declare independence (Haiti)

  • New declaration of war between Great Britain and France (BR/FR)

    New declaration of war between Great Britain and France (BR/FR)
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti (Haiti)

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Haiti (Haiti)
  • British end the slave trade (BR

    British end the slave trade (BR
  • Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonies (Latin America)

    Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonies (Latin America)
  • French expelled from Spain. (FR)

    French expelled from Spain. (FR)
  • Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone (FR

    Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone (FR
  • French abolish slave trade (FR)

    French abolish slave trade (FR)
  • U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine. (US)

    U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine. (US)