!920s event timeline

  • World Series first radio broadcast

    World Series first radio broadcast
    The World Series was broadcasted on the radio where the New York Giants beat the New York Yankees in game 3
  • Yankee Stadium was built

    Yankee Stadium was built
    "The House that Ruth Built", was constructed in the Bronx, New York
  • President Warren G. Harding Dies

    President Warren G. Harding Dies
    Harding dies of stroke in San Fansisco hotel room, Vice President Calvin Coolidge takes over presidency
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    The market capitalization of Ford Motor Company exedes $1 Billion
  • Scopes Violates Ban

    Scopes Violates Ban
    Tennessee schoolteacher John Scopes is arrested for teaching evolution, in violation of new state law banning the teaching of Darwin.
  • Klansman March

    Klansman March
    Forty thousand Ku Klux Klansmen march on Washington, their white-hooded procession filling Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • Charlie Chaplin in Gold Rush

    Charlie Chaplin in Gold Rush
    Charlie Chaplin's popular silent comedy The Gold Rush premieres before enthusiastic audiences.
  • Mae West Obscene

    Mae West Obscene
    Risqué entertainer Mae West is found guilty of obscenity by a New York court and sentenced to ten days in jail.
  • Spirit of Saint Louis

    Spirit of Saint Louis
    Aviator Charles Lindbergh completes the first solo transatlantic flight, landing his "Spirit of Saint Louis" in Paris 33 hours after departing from New York. Lindbergh becomes a national hero.