Bolshevik Revolution
Russia Fell to Communism. Czar falls. Socialism gains a foothold in Europe that will last until 1990's -
Sedition Acts
Woodrow Wilson passed acts which forbade the use of derogatory language against the US government. Focused on quieting communist newspapers and anti-war activists -
Mail Bombs Discovered
A number of mail bombs were intercepted on their way to capitalist leaders and to american politicians. Suspected to be from communists or anarchists. -
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Criminal Syndicalism Laws
The use of crime to spread ones political agenda was always frowned upon. After the April anarchist bombings many states issued laws which further punished criminals involved in syndicalism. This led to heavy punishments against anarchists and communists. -
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Palmer Raids
Series of aggressive actions taken against suspected communists. Began after the April bombing of Attorney General Mitchell Palmer's house by anarchists. Palmer lead movement to either kill or deport all radical leftists. Later considered an act of government censorship of ideals the raids were considered the peak of the first red scare. -
Bombs detonated across Washington D.C.
Bombs were placed near homes of politicians who supported the Sedition act and who fought against the spread of communism. The bombs were linked back to anarchists and were the direct cause of the red scare. -
Sacco + Vanzetti Rob Shoe Store
S+A were both communist sympathizers. They had ties with the party and its supporters in the US. When two men were murdered at the site of the crime they were quickly accused of murder for their communist leaders. -
Wall Street Bombing
Bombs detonated on wall street in New York outside of several major banks and businesses. Officially organized by anarchists and communists no one was ever convicted of the crime. 38 were killed and 143 injured. Accelerated anti-communist feelings across US -
S + A Convicted
Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted by a jury of first degree murder and conspiracy against the government. They were to be executed. Many people at the time felt this was unfair and that the crime was not as clear cut as the jury said it was. The evidence was gone over but the sentence was never refuted. -
Sacco and Vanzetti Executed
S + A were killed by an electric chair for the crime which there was insufficient evidence to prove their guilt. To the court their communist ideals were evidence enough of their guilt.