Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Jan 22, 1516

    Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon was an Eglish Philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist and author.Francis bacon was called the "Father of Empiricism"they say he might of died over his own experiment. -1561-1626
  • May 24, 1543

    The Heliocentric Theory

    Nicolaus Copernicus develope the heliocentric theory befor his death some time in 1543. He believed that the planets revolved around the sun.
  • Nov 18, 1577

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycheo Brahe was best known for his astronomical ad planetary observations. He made the most precise observations and kept track of everything. This later proved Kepler's laws of planetary motion correct .
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler's first astonmical work was the Cosmographic Mystery. He created the Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. The law states that planets travel in elleptical orbits around the off-centre sun, and the speed of the orbit depends on it's distance from the sun.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, physicist, and writer who spent most of his adult life in the Dutch Republic.Also he was a major figure in the 17th century continental rationalism.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei "The farther of astronomy"was astronomer that contributed to the Scientic Revolution. He made minor improvements to the telescope and used it to observe outer space. Sometime after 1610 Galileo started supporting the Heliocentric view. He indeed agree that the sun was the center of our universe and that all the planets revoved around the sun.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isacc Newton was a English physicist,mathematician,astronomer,natural philosopher,alchemist,and theologian.He was a big person the had him as a member of the general public so he could be on the most influential people in human history.Newton built the first pratical reflecting telescope.
  • John Michell

    John Michell was an English natural philosopher and geologist whose work spanned a wide range of subjects from astronomy to geology, optics, and gravitation. He was both a theorist and an experimenter. He has published some things on the Magnet and Electricity.’
    (25 December 1724 – 29 April 1793)
  • Madam C.J Walker

    Madam C.J Walker best know for her hair products to the african american women. she experinced hair lost and mixed up her own potions to create shampoo that contained sulfer that helped to heal her scalp and he hair grew back. Soon she started selling her products through out the united states.
  • Lewis Newton

    Lewis Newton was an American Physical Chemist who dicoverd the covalent bond, his perification of heavy warter, and his reformulation of chemical thermodynamics. Around 1912 is when Lewis Newton started to draw unpublished drawings of cubical atoms. Lewis later published these notes in his 1916 paper on chemical bonding.