The Sputnik is Launched
The Russian Satalite is launched into space and is announced to be the first ever man made object EVER, to leave the earth's atmosphere. This scared America as there was new technology which they were not involved with and had no idea about the concept. This meant they had to think of something... and fast! -
Period: to
Internet History
Paul Baran Invents the concept of Packet Switching
In the early 1960's, Paul Baran introduced and invented the idea of Packet Switching. It's a method of communication that groups all transmitted data together. It a breakthrough in technology. -
ARPANET( Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) is formed.
ARPANET was designed to be a computing nucleur bomb shield, which would save information and have points scattered everywhere, rather than one single point. This made a huge contribution to the discovery and progession with the internet as it made things safer and meant more people could commincate. They used the idea of packet switching. -
Ray Tomlinson writes Email Software.
In december 1972, Tomlinson created Electronic Mail. He worked with APRANET and he picked the @ symbol from the computer keyboard to indicate sending messages from one computer to another. -
First Bulletin Board
The first public bulletin board is launched. -
Domains are created and introduced
Domainds are created. -
Tim Berners- Lee is credited hugely with the participation in creating the World Wide Web. -
Mosiac, the worlds first public webpage.
The first web browser. People could look through the website, see pictures and information.