90s Technology

By mjssrs
  • Photoshop Released

    Photoshop Released
    The popular editing software Photoshop was released by John and Thomas Knoll. It is now the gold standard for digital editing in pictures and videos.
  • DOOM releases

    DOOM releases
    DOOM was a revolutionary new video game that made first-person shooters a staple in the gaming genre. It was made by John Romero and id Software. It also proved that computers were viable gaming machines.
  • Java is introduced

    Java is introduced
    Java is still today on of the most popular programming languages out there. What makes it so significant is its ease of use as well as it's ability to translate over operating systems. Java was created by John Gosling.
  • DVD is released

    DVD is released
    Digital Video Disc is released to the world. It has a huge storage capacity relative to Compact Discs and is quickly adopted by consumers. It offered a better video, audio, and lifespan. It was released by Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, and Philips.
  • Garry Kasparov vs Deep Blue

    Garry Kasparov vs Deep Blue
    The artificial intelligence developed by IBM known as "Deep Blue" was able to beat world chess Champion, Garry Kasparov, 2-1. Kasparov refused the results and would not back down from his claims that IBM cheated, despite having no evidence. This was a significant milestone for AI and showed how intelligent it really was.